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Lunch- At The Cafeteria

Jimmy's POV

"Lord, Today we've gathered here in your name-"

"Jimmy can you shut up!" Amarachi yelled "I'm trying to win this game here and you are  disturbing my peace"

I Turned to face Amarachi "Do you even go to church?"

"She misses a service in the church and she's dead" Lami replied sitting down "What's up with you, why the prayer thing, don't get me wrong, it's good to pray but yours is way too sudden"

"Well, you know I plan to be a Reverend Father one day, so It's better I start practising now"

Amarachi started coughing, clearing her throat she said " I hope all the Reverend sisters would be safe"

"Let that time come and we shall know," Lami said smiling

"Thank you, Sister Lami"

Jason, Craig and Janet joined us at the table, Amarachi didn't even wait a minute before rating me out

"Guys do you know what Jimmy is planning to be?"


"He said he wants to be a Reverend Father"

Jason and Craig burst into laughter, " I guess somebody wants to be like Abraham" Craig joked

"Father of All Nations" Jason added

"You guys are dream crushers," I said resting my head on the table

"Don't mind them" Janet comforted patting me on my back

" Where are the VVIP?" Amarachi asked, opening the lid

of her Ice cream

"VVIP? I thought it was VIP"

"In this case, for these people, It is VVIP which means Very Very Important People, look at the way we are waiting for them, we haven't even touched our food," Amarachi said with her hands in the air

Moving closer to her I asked, "In the meantime, can I share your Ice cream with you?"

"Reverend Father don't eat Ice cream" She retorted slapping my begging hands away

"Not fair at all"

Jayden and Channelle decided to grace our table with their presence and Amarachi once again didn't let them sit before she started

"Welcome our VVIP guest of today," Amarachi said raising her hands to clap

LAST YEAR IN HIGH SCHOOL #PROJECT NIGERIAWhere stories live. Discover now