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September twenty first (21st), fourteen twenty (1420).

The sun has officially risen, perfect time to blend in with the morning crowd. Amity Blight, our Princess in a beautiful pink dress, with a matching burnous opened her window, glancing down. "Still there." She hummed, looking around the garden. "No one in sight."

Amity got giddy, for once, her plan was going to work! Her doorknob rattled, a knock following it. "Morning Princess, you up?"

Ooh. New voice. Amity shook off her curiosity, pulling her burnous' hood up, keep your focus, keep your focus- "Princess what are you doing-"


"WHAT!?" The new voice exclaimed, rushing over, wrapping her arms around Amity. "NO WAY!"

"I was kidding! Let me go!!" Amity struggled, trying to wiggle out of their grasp. "Just let me leave!"

Amity was thrown on her bed, the windows closed. "Why in the world would you need to leave your room out the window?" The woman, a Latina with short hair, brackets on her arms and shoulders, and wow why is she kinda hot(?) asked.

"To escape this hellhole." Amity hissed. "Listen, what was your name?"

"Luz Noceda, your new knight."

Amity paused. "Noceda, thank you for your assistance but if you will excuse me-" Amity got up, going back to her window, opening them up. "I have business outside the castle."

Luz got up, "Princess! It's far too dangerous for you in town!"

"It's not like I'm leaving forever, I'll return shortly. I'm not staying cooped up in this room." Amity got on the ledge.

"You'll get hurt-"

"You're my knight aren't you? Well knight me, I'm not staying in thi-"


Amity flinched, looking back at her new knight, "Wait really-"

Luz put her hands behind her back and sighed. "I mean I would wear a less recognizable dress- But if you do intend on leaving again anyways, I might as well join you. So I'll be tagging along."

Amity sat there, mouth agape, "Uh- O-Okay-"

"Now please get off the window, let's take the front door-"


"Not even the afternoon and I already lost the princess-" Luz muttered as she rushed down the stands. "Amity!"

Luz scrambled to a halt, backing up, jogging towards, "Amity.." Luz sighed.

The princess picked up a book, "Ooh~ It has such a beautiful cover.." Amity smiled softly. "The art is so exquisite."

Luz peeked at the book, a lovely rose drawing that was submerged in ice, the title reading The Roses of May. "How much for the book?" Luz asked the vendor.

He slowly looked away from Amity and up at Luz, "Twenty snails will do."

Amity flinched, snapping out of her mind, "You don't have to-"

"I want to." Luz cut in, counting out twenty copper coins, handing it to the vendor. "Thank you."

He nodded, Amity looking back down at her new book. "Have a nice day ladies." The vendor said cheerfully.

Luz returned his farewell, holding her arm out for Amity, the princess linking her arm around Luz's. "Where to next princess?" Luz asked.

"Nowhere specific, I would love to look around."

Luz nodded, "And it shall be so."

After walking around, examining all the stands, Amity finally stopped at one. "Those stones are so shiny, how did you do that?" Amity asked.

The woman flinched, "Ah- It's a long process.."

"I would love to know."

Thirty minutes. Amity was still so interested. "And that's it." The woman ended.

Luz jerked up, rubbing her eyes, "Uh.. Have you picked a rock yet..?" Luz yawned.

Amity nodded, "This one."

Luz examined the rock, "How much?" Luz asked.

"Free. You're the only ones who have stayed to listen, it's a tedious process." The vendor smiled. "Thank you."

Amity smiled back softly, picking up the opal, "Thank you, I hope you have an amazing year."

"Bless your heart dear." The vendor tipped their head forward slightly.

Amity bowed, Luz guiding Amity to the next stands. "Tuckered yourself out didn't you Princess?" Luz teased.

"Quite a bit yes." Amity sighed. "I do wish I could stay out longer, but my legs hurt from standing."

Luz stopped, Amity pausing in her path as well, "Want to stop, grab a bite?"

"Grab a..Bite?"

Luz nodded. "Find somewhere to have lunch," Luz linked her arm around Amity's, putting her hand over the princesses. "Is that alright?"

Amity nodded, looking around, "Know a good place?"


"Ooh that really hit the spot." Amity sighed contentedly. "Best meal I've had all week!"

Luz glanced down the street, crossing with Amity, "That so?"

"Mhm! Can we do this tomorrow?"

Luz shrugged lightly, "I'm not sure Princess, you'll have to ask your father who will then give me permission to take you out." Luz explained, going towards the path.

Amity hummed, "I'll speak to him then."

After a few minutes of walking, they arrived to the castle, two guards opening the doors, many more waiting inside. Luz took Amity up to her room, making sure the windows were locked, no one was in the room, and left to let Amity get ready for bed.

Many more minutes of waiting later, Amity allowed Luz back in the room. "So where will you be in case I need you?" Amity asked.

"At home. I care for you before the sun wakes and when it sleeps. The rest, someone else will watch you for me." Luz tipped her head forward slightly.

Amity ohed, "Well..Have a nice knight Ms.Noceda." Amity giggled.

Luz smiled and rolled her eyes, "I hope the same for you Princess, good night." Luz bowed, turning, and leaving.

Another guard approached, said guard using their right hand to slam it over their chest. "Princess! I will be guarding you tonight!"

"Thank you Walter."

He bowed, turning, huffing, holding his sword down in between his legs. Amity closed her door, retreating to her bed, laying down. Her body tensed as the pain entered her calves and heels, the princess nuzzling her pillow. "I get to do this allll again tommorow.."

        Tis the adventure continues.

Follow SketchyNeeks on Wattpad, Tumblr, and Instagram! They're the one who originally came up with the AU!

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