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September thirty-second, fourteen twenty.

Luz had rushed to the castle after she ate breakfast, gaining access and quickly running to Amity's room. "Princess!" Luz knocked quickly. "Princess!! Princess are you alright??"

"Muhhh...Go....Awayyy.." Amity whined.

Luz opened the door, peeking in, "Are you better Princess?"


The human walked over, kneeling down by the bed, "Princess. I wish for you not to tell the king that I left you alone for several hours the other day."

"Who cares..?" Amity covered her head, groaning loudly. "My headdd..."

Luz slid her hands under Amity's waist and back, lifting her up. The Princess flinched and held on to Luz, the knight sitting on the bed and allowing Amity to grow comfortable. "Better?" Luz asked.

Amity relaxed, leaning against Luz, "A bit yes.."

Luz hummed, rubbing Amity's shoulder, gently rocking her. "How about now?"

"..Mm..Much better.."

Luz adjusted the princess a bit more in her lap, resting her head on Amity's shoulder. "..." Luz sighed, rubbing the princess's back. "Hungover Princess?"

"Very much so.."

"Do you require anything from me?" Luz asked.

"Your time.."

Luz nodded, "Anything else?"

"Your attempts at soothing me help.."

Luz held Amity close, "Then I'll try my hardest."


After several hours, Amity had done her studies, Luz caught up on the Azura book series, and it was barely lunchtime! Amity and Luz walked to the town, picking out something to eat and brought it back to the castle, lounging in Amity's quarters to eat. "I killed one dragon my entire training." Luz uttered, biting her yam.

Amity drew back and hissed quietly as she burned her tounge, taking a careful bite of her sweet potato. "How come?"

"It wanted to be free of it's misery. You do know dragons talk, right?"

Amity nodded, "They rather not though."

"It told me demons destroyed her only egg, killed her mate, and attempted to chain her. I felt terrible, but I did what she wanted. We raided a cave of nanook, had a good time. But at the end of the day, she chose to side with death, and I beheaded her. I returned the nanook's belongings, explained everything, and they helped me bury her."

Amity frowned, "D..Did she leave you anything..?"

Luz nodded, smiling slightly, "I went back to her cave. She made me a resting ground, left me food. She was the only reason I survived that training season..I just wish demons had left her alone the first time.." Luz shook her head. "But. She had a good last day. And I'm hoping, wherever she is now, she's happy. Any other questions about training?"

Amity hummed quietly, "How long did you spend away from your family?"

Luz jumped at the question, sitting up and sighing. "Long enough to have forgotten..I only saw my mother two times during training. When it started, and when it ended."

"Oh..How was it..?"

Luz shook her head slowly, "Terrible. Every night I wrote a letter to her. On the night I was nearly killed, I wrote about forty letters to her. The day I returned, I held her close..I don't wish for anyone to go through training again, especially for that long."

"What happened when you came back to her?"

Luz smiled slightly, taking a bite of her yam, letting it pass before she spoke again, "She had a feast ready for me. I handed her all six hundred give or take, letters. I hugged my mom while she read them, I didn't want to leave her side. Everything flooded back to me when I took a peek at those letters, it took me some time to get used to it. But when my mom finished about a hundred, she hugged me back, and we stood there for a good hour before she let me go."

Amity saddened, "I didn't know the guards went through that..I'm sorry Luz.."

"Don't be. You need to be kept safe Princess, I understand that the king wants to make sure of that."

Amity shook her head, squeezing her sweet potato, "I don't think it's right.. All those lives..--"

"Hey hey-" Luz placed her yam aside, standing and cupping Amity's cheek. "Princess, it might not have been right, but we all knew what we were getting ourselves into. I'm honored to be by your side right now Amity, it's the highest honor I'll ever recieve. As long as you can make this silly old town amazing again, I'll be happy to die for you to make it happen."

Amity slumped, closing up the yam and placing it aside, holding her arms out slightly. Luz hugged her, hushing her softly, "What if you had died Luz..?"

"Can I take you somewhere? It'll answer your question." Luz gently rubbed Amity's back.

"Will I be back for dinner..?"

"I'll make sure you will."


Luz opened the door to the building, allowing Amitiy in first before she closed the door and stepped forward. The two walked down the hall, then turned at the first intersection. "Here we are.." Luz smiled sadly at the large pillars.

Several hundred if not thousands of names were plastered on them, some had less than others, others had more than you could possibly think. "I didn't know we had this.."

Luz walked over to one side, Amity following her, examining all the names, "I would've been here if I died the first season. And as you can tell, many have.."

Three pillars were dedicated to all those who died the first season, four for season two, six for the third, one for the forth. And the next thirteen seasons only had a scattered ten to twenty names. "W..Which season did you nearly die in Luz..?"

"All of them. But, when I thought I wouldn't survive any longer, was my last season." Luz walked over to the pillar. "A storm had come during the night when I was trying to sleep. Hills were watered down, mud, rocks, trees and hail were coming down." Luz shuddered at the thought.

Amity placed her hand gently on Luz's forearm, "It's okay.."

Luz glanced down at her, then at the pillar, sighing, "I washed up on shore, dislocated my shoulder, broke my leg. The storm died down, and I sat there for two days straight. Finally managed to stand and make my way to higher ground."

"They heal you, don't they? After they find you.." Amity spoke quietly.

"They do. I was in care for a day or so, then I had to walk home. I hitched a ride or three, and finally arrived." Luz walked around the pillar, pointing to a name. "She was there with me. Here she is."

Amity went around, examining the name. "Boscha-"

"I'm suprised they didn't take it out yet. She's still alive, she's a queen for crying out loud." Luz sighed. "But she took the trials to prove herself to her family. Now, do you know where I'll be if I wasn't with you currently?"

Amity nodded slowly, "I'm glad you aren't on the pillars Luz.."

The human smiled, looking up at them, "Yeah, me too."

Tis, the adventure continues.

Your Highness~ [Lumity Fanfiction AU]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora