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September thirty-eight, fourteen twenty.

The sun has fully risen, flowers can get their much needed light, and the rowan flowers can hopefully die.

Luz rose her head, yawning, "Ugh..?"

Amity winced, shuffling a bit before giving up as Luz was still on top of her. "Mmn..?"

Luz caressed her cheek, "Princess, are you alright?" Luz was already at attention, she was bound to get in trouble for not telling the man above her in rank that she arrived. "Princess?"

Amity leaned in to her palm, earning a sigh from Luz, "Don't go.."

"You've already asked me of that Princess, and I did. I have to see the schedule." Luz pat Amity's head, pushing herself up and sliding off the bed.

"But..You don't..Have a schedule.." Amity yawned.

Luz nodded, "I do. Every month. I'll get one day off, and that day is soon. So I need the know when that is so I can start researching."

Amity took Luz's hand, tugging, "Luz.. Don't go..I told you I would..Would help..Didn't I..?"

"I suppose..But I'm starting to doubt your word.."

Amity pulled Luz over, wrapping her arms around the knight's neck, "Is that so.."

"Princess, I get that you have taken a liking to me- But isn't this a bit much--?" Luz pushed herself up slightly.

"Says..The one who asked for a kiss not even four hours ago.." Amity hummed.

"I'm not allowed to, Princess.." Luz mumbled.

"No one's here~" Amity cooed. "I won't tell if you don't.." She winked.

"Amity.." Luz uttered. "I can't.."

Amity nodded slowly, "..If you could, would you?"

Luz hesitated, the Princess smiling, releasing Luz. "..."

"Go check the schedule, I'll wait for you to return. Besides, you'll kiss-"



"..It'll be our little secret?"

Amity felt herself heat up, "Of course-"

"Great! You obtuse, insensitive brat!" Luz covered Amity's face. "I'm not going to kiss you because you asked, are you inane??" Luz scoffed.

Yes, inane is a word, it means silly or stupid

Amity whined, Luz grumbling quietly as she got off the bed. "Luz~"

"No! I get paid way too much to kiss the princess and get petrified- This is stupid- I can't believe I wanted to kiss you four hours ago-" Luz held her head. "I can't do this- Princess, get up!"

Amity pouted, sitting up and standing, very upset. "It's just one kiss! What harm can it- WOAH-"

Luz pulled Amity over, gently grabbing her chin and lifting her head up, pressing her lips against the princess's. She cupped her cheek, moving Amity's hair behind her ear, ever so gently stroking it. The princess shivered, Luz pushing Amity back gently, patting her head, "Do..Oh geez-" Amity flushed red. "One kiss can do a lot-"

"It sure can-! Getting fired or persecuted- Maybe exiled or killed!" Luz hummed nervously, stepping back. "Right- Schedule--"

Amity knelt down on the floor, falling to her side and curling up. "Hnnnn--- Oh my Titan- Did she just do that? Am I still alive??-"

Luz closed the door, her body finally sending the blood up to her face, the knight shuffling down the stairs. 'If I don't get fired- I'll kiss her again-'


Luz, had not gotten fired. And true to her thought, after checking her schedule, she went back upstairs, knelt down in front of the cherry princess, and kissed her again. Amity screamed and smacked her with a pillow then hugged her quickly after as an apology.

The knight laughed, rubbed her nose and held Amity close. "Mrrr..rr.." Amity purred softly, nuzzling in to Luz's chest.

"Breakfast with the king is shortly, will you review the paper before?" Luz asked, rubbing Amity's back.

"What paper?" Amity lifted her head up.

"Cheshire. He signed the paper so we could send guards over, don't you remember?" Luz gently rubbed under Amity's eye. "You look exhausted."

Amity smiled tiredly, "Thanks." She pushed herself up slightly, running her hand through her hair. "But this is about those smugglers, right?"

Luz nodded, "Chesire can't be in multiple places at once, he needs guards all day long."

Amity hummed, carefully standing, helping Luz up. "What would be a good way to tell the king this.."

Luz snapped, "I've got it!"


Now in fear, the king is currently short of two hundred guards. And Amity, was rid of her own. "Maybe not the best idea.." Luz mumbled, pulling down her sleeves.

"Why did he pick you..? He knows you're my knight.." Amity sighed, moving Luz's hair back.

"I need you to initiate the hug Princess. I went over the laws and I can't make you unhappy." Luz whispered.

Amity stepped forward, hugging Luz, the human wrapping her arms around the witch. She kissed her cheek, gently rubbing her back, "Will you come to me soon..?"

"I don't know. But please, care for my mother while I'm gone.."

Amity pulled back, nodding, "If it's okay with you, I'd like to keep her with our medics til she's stable and we've found something.."

Luz thought for a second. It was safer, her mom would feel better if those who knew to care for her helped. "If you can get her to say yes, then you have my consent." Luz nodded. "But until then, take care of my mom, and yourself." Luz moved Amity's hair back. "Ask about the schedule for me, and see if you can get me back. Goodbye Princess."

"Bye Luz.."

A whistled blew, the guards turning to face the path. "MARCH."

Their collective stomps exited the castle, beginging the walk. Luz made sure she would be the last, and when she was out of their sights, she pulled Amity over. "Good luck kiss per chance?"

Amity hummed, wrapping her arms around Luz's neck, "Possibly~"

"I SAID MARCH NOCEDA." Came the voice of her superior.

Luz rolled her eyes, giving Amity a small kiss, hugging her tightly before stepping back, "Coming!! Bye Princess!" Luz ran out.

"B-Bye!!" Amity stumbled over to the door, watching at Luz caught up to the end of the line. "..I'm going to go talk to the king. I want my human back."

Tis, the journey continues.

Your Highness~ [Lumity Fanfiction AU]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя