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September thirty-fifth, fourteen twenty.

Luz bought a bouquet of flowers (that didn't bite and were freshly cleaned) before her shift as..A little apology. She knocked on the door, waiting patiently for it to be answered. After a few seconds, she heard shuffling, and the door opened. "Gnn..?"

"Morning Princess, I've brought you an apology.." Luz held the bouquet out.

Amity took it, confused. "These are rowans, Luz.."

"I'm aware." Luz gently nudged Amity in the room, closing the door. "The roses are for you to keep."

Luz took out the rowan flowers, placing them alongside the door, going to the window and lining it with flowers. Returning to Amity, she smiled, "Now no one can come in if you want to rest."

Amity hugged the human, sighing quietly, "I should have thought of it sooner.."

Luz picked her up, going over to the bed, lying Amity down. "I have to be outside–"

"Luz, please.." Amity nestled her nose into the crook of the human's neck. "Stay with me.."


"Amity, Luz..You know that.."

"Amity.." Luz sighed, holding herself up on her elbows, one hand under Amity, the other combing her hair back. "Okay..I'll stay.."


For five minutes, cause Amity was needed for breakfast. "Luz, could you ready the steeds? I wish to go out of the kingdom back to Parvati's home.."

Luz nodded, turning and walking off, leaving Amity to eat silently with the king. Once breakfast was over, announcements given and opinions shared, Amity dressed herself for the trip and went out to join Luz. The knight grunted as she pushed the horse feed over, stepping back.

Amity took her hand, Luz looking back at her, gently squeezing back, "Ready?"

"Yes, I've brought extra gold in case I see something I quite like." Amity smiled.

Luz nodded towards the carriage, "Go on."

"I'll sit in front with you, I quite like petting the passing cows, thank you." Amity waved the guard over.

He placed a bag of snails on the carriage floor, grunting as he pushed it in, saluting before walking off. Luz closed the door, "Will you sit on my left or right?"


In front of her on the floor is where the princess decided to situate herself. Luz pat Amity's head when the princess finished the chapter in The Canterbury Tales, pointing to the cattle. "We've reached the halfway mark, we'll be seeing cows for about an hour."

Amity gasped, closing the book, and carefully standing. Luz held her hand as she leaned over to brush her fingers along the fur of cows. Many mooed at her, others paying her no mind and enjoying the free scratches. Amity giggled when one licked her finger as they passed it, looking to Luz.

The human caught a glimpse of the act, simply smiling when Amity looked over. "You wouldn't mind me going a bit faster would you?"

"Not at all, the sooner the better." Amity sat back down, squeezing Luz's hand.

The knight nodded, "Then you better hold on to something, when the horses see an opening, they put their hearts in to it."

Amity removed her hand from Luz's, linking her arm around the human's as she grabbed the reigns properly. "You will do this safely, right?-"

Luz smirked, "It's not part of my job~ Hiyah!"


An hour early. Amity stayed in the carriage while Luz went to greet and help Parvati. They came in thirty minutes later, Paravati gladly taking the ride to her house and talking to Amity. Luz dropped them off, unhooked the carriage, and went with the horses to prepare them dinner.

Amity giggled, lifting her cup of tea, "I suppose a lot has happened since then." Amity smiled, taking a sip.

The door opened, Luz ruffling her hair as she stepped in, closing the door. "Now I realize why you put that bubble up so early. Started raining when I went with the horses. You lot are smart." Luz smiled, walking over, switching hands to hold her basket. "Entire farm, hidden in a bubble."

Parvati blushed and waved Luz off, "You sap~"

Luz kissed her cheek, ruffling her hair, "I set up the water already, so I'm taking a bath if that's alright."

"Of course, help yourself to anything you need Luz." Parvati smiled.

Luz thanked her, closing the door in Parvati's home, water soon running. "So Amity, did you settle everything with the king?" Parvati asked.

"Was I drunk talking to you last time.." Amity mumbled.

"You were. And you said the king was being a thorn in your side, that he wouldn't let you kiss Luz, you were gay all along, you don't want to get married, and you wanted to see if Luz had muscles." Parvati drank some of her tea before looking at Amity. "Nude."

Amity choked on her tea, spitting most of it out as she slapped the table. "Did I– Cough- Really- Huff- Say that..?" Amity flushed red.

Parvati smirked, "The last one was a lie, but now you're thinking it." She sighed contentedly. "Is she taken? I quite like humans of her nature. She has such a nice smile, helps without being asked to, and that kiss just now? My Titan she sent me over the moon! I'd cook meals for her every night, take her to the nicest spots around--"

Amity slammed her cup down, covering her cherry face, "Parvati-"

"You're in deep aren't you Princess?" Parvati lightly laughed, mostly in disbelief. "A woman like her won't be let go easily, you need to put a mark on it or pbbt." She blew raspberry, pointing down. "She's gone."

Amity dragged her hand down her face, looking to Parvati, "I held her hand on the way here, does that count?-"

"Nope! Witch's Mark or bye bye hottie." Parvati sighed. "You know, I would gladly take her off your hands if you--"

The door opened, the two hushing up, looking over to Luz. The knight had a cloth around herself, hair damp, "Parvati, do you have a cup I can use? Cricket got in through the window, I don't want it to die."

Parvati flushed red, looking to Amity, standing, "I call dibs--"

"Wha- Dibs?- What is a dib?- Parvati you can't just--" Amity turned to watch her, then looked to Luz. "Ah geez-"

Parvati handed her the cup, Luz thanking her and entering the washroom, closing the door. Parvati looked to Amity, "Oh my gosh she's hot– You have to let me take her--"

"Luz!" Amity exclaimed.

The door opened again, Luz handing Parvati the empty cup, "Yes Princess?"

"Parvati has a boyfriend-"


"That's great, but do give me a few minutes." Luz stepped back. "Unless you want me to stand here, wetting the floor."

"I vote yes-" Parvati raised her hand.

Luz rolled her eyes, "Pervert." She stepped back, closing the door and locking it. "So odd.."

So odd. Tis, the journey continues.

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