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October 39th, fourteen twenty.

Luz was sent inside when the sun had risen, so she went to find the princess. She had seen Viney, oddly enough, who had seen Amity, and pointed Luz in the direction. The guard made her way there, and heard giggles. Luz peeked in, smiling warmly.

King raised his paintbrush, giggling when the potter set down a fresh mini pottery to paint. "I'll be off now Princess, the rest of the pots will be ready tomorrow." He bowed.

"Thank you, rest easy." Amity smiled, spotting- "Luz! Good morning, how did--"

"Luz!" King rushed over, nearly toppling the human over as he ran into her shins.

Luz grunted, injured but alright. "Good morning King, was your night easy?"

"Yes! Amity has helped me adjust and I slept well!" King yipped, raising his arms. "Up!"

Luz picked him up, kissing his skull and walking closer to Amity, "Mi Princesa." Luz kissed her cheek. "Did you rest well?"

"Mm." Amity nodded. "I was hoping to ask for permission to take King outside the castle for a bit?"

Luz softened, "As nice as that would be, King will stop at every pastry stall.."

"No sweets for a week remember?" King pat Luz's head. "Mama will be mad if I try to unground myself."

Luz set him on Amity's shoulder, the little demon adjusting and lightly pecking Amity's cheek. "That's true, but remember the last time we were out this close to the castle?"

King paused to think, then shook his head, "Not good idea." He said to Amity. "Meanies come near the castle because they have more money.."

Amity looked back at their pottery, then to Luz, then behind her to the open door, "What shall we do then..? The pottery is finished, you're busy, and I'm not allowed to leave without a guard.."

Luz hummed softly, pulling Amity over, "We could leave King with Vee, then you and I will be together." Luz cooed.

Amity perked, giggling and pushing Luz's face away, "You are so silly. You are on your shift, Luz!"

"I could take some time off~" Luz placed soft kisses around Amity's delicate skin.

King pointed, "Bruise! Are you okay? It looks like it hurts!"

Luz drew back, snorting and lowering her head, "Ay mi Rey-"

"They're not bruises are they." Amity looked to Luz.

"No they are not Amor." Luz grinned, picking King up. "You are far too young to know what those are, but for now, yes they are bruises. Amity's okay, you can venture with Vee or Steve right now." She set him down.

King cooed and giggled, running out of the room, squealing when he was picked up by Steve. They passed the room, Luz pulling Amity close, "A minute of your time, Princess?"

"A minute is too short of a time, Luz." Amity giggled when her cheek was kissed. "How long would it take you to pleasure a princess?"

"Depends.." Luz lowered her head. "Would she be up for a few rounds?"

Amity sighed longingly, "I suppose..If you can take a little challenge.."

King scampered in, Luz clicking her tounge softly and looking to the tiny demon, "Steve said he could take me shopping! May I join him pretty please!"

Steve walked in, lifting King up, "I..I suppose if Steve is able.." Luz mumbled.

"Yes, I can accompany guests! The King said so himself, and that he no longer wants to kill you."

Luz paused, flinching when her armor creaked softly as Amity tightened her hold. "I beg your pardon..The king..Said..What?"


Steve and King had gone, taking Luz's money so King would be able to buy himself what he wanted, and Luz stayed by her princess. "Daughter, I never--"

"I've already gotten permission by the queen, Luz is already courting me!" Amity signaled to the knight. "And you had plans to kill her?"

Alador held his aching head, "I wish never to harm your spouse, Amity.." He sighed. "It is not that I do not care for Luz or despise her..She is just.."

"What? Human?" Amity glared.

"Oh I could care less if she was a human, as long as she can fight." He waved her off. "She has no class, no money. She has not learned our ways, she is worthless."

Amity looked to Luz, the knight still as can be. "Luz, say something! Do not allow the king to speak to you this way!"

Luz lowered her head, eyes growing glossy, "The king is right, Princess. I am worthless. Easily disposable. You must not worry about me, because I mean nothing, and will forever be of no use."

Amity grew with rage, snapping back to the king, eyes glowing purple. "King Alador Blight, for upsetting my consort. Your head..IS MINE!" She growled, jumping across the table and reaching for the king.

Luz took ahold of the princess, stepping back, the king being quickly surrounded by his own guards and taken away. Amity breathed in and out quickly, gripping Luz's hauberk. "Amity, the king can call me as he wishes.."


"Amor..Whether you like it or not..I am worthless..I'm a knight, meant to be replaced–"

"I don't care!-" Amity sighed sharply, tears streaming down her pale skin. "Luz- You've made me so happy these last few months- I've enjoyed every second of your company despite our disputes-! Luz, I love you! I don't care if you're easily disposable- Or if you're worthless- To me you aren't! Luz you mean so much to me--"

Amity flinched, ears drooping when Luz sobbed softly, the princess gently cupping her face. "H-icc–" Luz lowered her head. "Hicc-"

"I love you so much Luz.." Amity kissed her head, bringing Luz's head to her shoulder. "I will do anything to make sure you know that..If you ever think otherwise, I'll send you to your home so your mother can smack some sense into you."

Luz laughed lightly, holding Amity tightly and nuzzling into her shoulder. "Te prometo que te voy a proteger." Luz kissed Amity's cheek. "Hasta mi último aliento."

"Hm?" Amity placed several soft kisses over Luz's cheek.

"My way of saying I love you." Luz wiped her tears. "Amity, thank you for being my princess. I'll do my best to make you queen, okay?"

Amity smiled warmly, "Okay! Let us go stop for sweet potatoes, I'm famished!"

      Tis, the adventure continues.

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