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October 45th, fourteen twenty.

Luz was sent home with her placard, papers, and Paco. She did not return to the castle that day, instead gathering her belongings and bidding her mother farewell. For this was the last time Luz would see her family for months to come. Luz left money, taking much of her own, perishables, and Paco, heading towards the next kingdom.

Being banished was one of the worst punishments, and Luz had recieved it. Amity had banished her, and showed no hint of regret when she handed the letter over.

Luz no longer had a job, her family, or her lover. So it was time to start over. "Take care of it Paco." Luz pat his satchel. "Off you go."

He gently nuzzled her, trotting off as Luz walked to the fields. Parvati noticed her, smiling and resting her basket of seedlings on her hip, "How's it going Noceda?"

Luz lowered her head, Parvati perking, setting her basket down. "I've uh..Been banished.."

Parvati softened, stepping forward and wrapping her arms around the human, "Tell me what happened..I'll take care of you til you're ready to move on.."


Cheshire had come to visit, saw Luz, and proceeded to banish her as well. "Luz, while I appreciate you here..You can not wallow in sorrow. You must get back to where you make a difference--" He sighed. "You will be welcome, when you are suited and ready to be happy again."

So off she went, letting Paco take the lead. The streets grew cleaner as they went, passing signs that said one word, "Empire."

Luz grew weary, but Paco was persistent, so they continued the walk. For two days and one night, the two made their way to the Empire.

November 2nd, Fourteen Twenty.

"Name and reason for entry?" The guard stepped forward.

"Luz Noceda, to start over."

He perked, "Noceda? Oh my, yes-" He hummed. "We've been on the lookout for you, please follow my comrade."


Paco nodded, stepping forward, perking when a horse appeared from around the corner, a guard on her back. "This way, then."


Paco and Luz were taken to the castle, the human regretting giving permission to Paco to guide her. "Emperor Belos awaits you, Human."

Luz sighed, sliding off of Paco, patting his side, "I'll come find you, go find yourself a stable and rest."

"Nnhhhrr." He blew lightly in her face, turning and walking off.

Luz took a deep breath, walking up the stairs, entering the castle. She was guided down halls, halls she was all too familiar with. "Luz Noceda." Hunter rose a brow. "What brings you here?"

"..I wish to start over..I was banished from my kingdom, and I'm set to start anew.."

"Oh. Uh..You have my regards.." Hunter mumbled. "Well then, starting today, you will be the emperor's guard."

Luz scowled, "Part of banishment is losing your last job as an option.."

"That was your kingdom." Hunter signaled to the doors. "You will find armor on the first door to your right, your sword will be a borrowed one til your new blade is forged. Hand over any weapons you may hold."

"Left them on my horse, he's already off to find a place to rest.."

"No need." Hunter snapped.

Paco struggled in, being dragged by four different guards, hooves scratching the tiles. He perked when he saw Luz, kicking back and nudging away the guards, rushing over to her. Paco hid behind her, gently nuzzling her, "Nnicckkkrrr."

Luz scratched his chin, sighing, "Let me guess. I work for your king and get paid, as long as I stay here."

"You know well." Hunter smiled. "We will provide the best care for your stallion and for you. Welcome to the Empire, Luz. We hope you enjoy your new life."

. . .

Amity gazed at her door, flower in hand. "..She isn't coming in.." Amity spoke to herself.

Standing, Amity set her flower down, walking to her door. She opened it, whistling. Steve came over, bowing, "Yes Princess?"

"W..When is Luz coming?" Amity fiddled with the hem of her short dress. "I instructed her to come two days after the incident so I could think and..Well, she's not here.."

Steve's face of normalcy changed to a more worried and serious look. "You.. Amity, you banished Luz from the kingdom two days ago." Steve uttered. "She has already left her home and has been missing-"

Dread filled the princess, ears lowering, "Missing..?"

"She is no longer our citizen, and we are not allowed to pursue her.." Steve spoke softly. "She is out of our reach.."

Amity stumbled into his hold, breathing heavily and gripping his armor. "Hicc-"

Steve held Amity tightly, ears drooping, "I'm sorry, Amity.."

Tis, the adventure continues.

Your Highness~ [Lumity Fanfiction AU]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang