(Thorin x Reader) - The Sickness That Lurks

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Just a lil one shot :)

Imagine the gold/dragon sickness still often claims Thorin


A sudden thunder of footsteps alerted you and made your head snap from your desk, away from the letter you were writing. At first you weren't sure if the sound was coming towards you or would make it's way past, but you didn't need to question it when the door swung open with a crash.

"What the hell is wrong with you!?" Thorin roared, his breathing heavy.

"Well, you could start with a "good morning".

He straightened, "Good morning. What the hell is wrong with you !?" He repeated, a little taken aback.

Usually you would remain calm, sort out the issue. But you had no time for Thorin when he clearly had no time to talk through with you whatever was the matter.

You slowly rose from your desk, moving the letter aside. "That's better, now," you said your voice starting to rise a little , "Thorin Oakenshield I do not know what I have clearly done but would you care as to enlighten me rather than storm into my chambers yelling! We are not dwarflings, act like it."

"Well, (y/n)," the aggression in his tone did not cease, "If we are clearly not dwarflings any more then would you care to explain to me why you would try and change our plans behind my back." His teeth were gritted and you could practically feel the anger radiating from him.

Oh so he was being petty. You'd understood that the gold sickness still clung to him. It had been weeks since the battle and all the others had thought it gone. So had you. So had he. But there were moments where he would spin into a daze and his eyes would shift, the sickness lingering still. Gandalf had said it would soon completely pass. But it didn't make him any less tenacious when it crept back in.

You took a step forward. "Thorin," you sighed, slowly realising you had less and less energy each day trying to deal with him when estranged, "I'm not even going to argue with you. I am your Queen. You are my King. The last time I checked that means we both work together to deal with our duties."

His glare weighed heavily on your but your took another breath and carried on. "You cut me out yesterday. An important decision about our alliance with the Elves and you would have me to play no part in it. So when your meeting was over I took Dwalin aside and he discussed it with me." A strange thing happened then, you noticed your voice break. So much for standing up for yourself, you thought. But with that break came a shimmer in Thorin's eyes.

"I-I" you continued, "I simply helped him work through making a different trade agreement than the one you had suggested which, might I say, was rather insulting on our part. We can't afford to be so bitter towards them any more. You know that Thorin," you took hold of his shoulders, "the real you knows that we are still on thin ice, that is the you that I need here with me, making these decisions."

His gaze seemed to flicker still but you could tell he had still not shifted from his greed.

You turned back to your desk, straightening yourself. At least try to but on a brave face. You took in one last breath and rose your head. "You can't let this sickness consume you Thorin. You just can't. I'll be here when you come back. And I won't leave until you do."

At that you turned away. Knowing it wasn't worth another battle. And you heard a slight whimper behind you making you turn back.

"I'm sorry" he gasped.

"I know," you smiled. "I know".

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