(Thranduil) Returning Home ~ Part 3

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~Lose Me Once~

A sudden uproar of sound made you snap your head up, alert. So much for a good nights sleep. You sighed, rubbing your temples. But when the muffled roars came again you leapt from your bed, still wearing your thin armour-like attire, to tired to remove it in the night.

Your own footsteps down the hall were undermined by that of a larger gathering beyond the doors into the main halls. You rushed through, only to suddenly freeze by the main doors to see a group of elves and the gathering of imprisoned dwarves behind them.

You ran towards them, some of the elves gasping when they saw your face, but you pushed through, making you realise that your presence was still unknown to most.

A worried frown creased your brow. And then you saw Legolas and Tauriel moving from the back of the group and leading forward.

You caught Tauriel's arm lightly. "What is happening?" You breathed.

Tauriel turned suddenly to view her pursuer only to gasp, her eyes wide. "Ayvire?"

You pushed through and smiled. "Yes, Tauriel it is me. I promise you I will tell you everything." You squeezed her arm softly. "But please just inform me as to what is happening here." You breathed. Her eyes not moving from yours.

"I-I," she let out a defeated sigh. "The Kin-your Father, has ordered that the dwarves we found wandering our forests are to be imprisoned. He is in communication with their leader now. Although, he is a stubborn dwarf. I doubt he will get far."

You looked down for a second. So here we are. The rumours must be true.

"Ayvire, I have missed you greatly, I-"

You gave an honest smile, "And I you, my friend. Gosh the stories I have for you, the tales of magic and battle that I only know would excite you! Tonight?"

"But Ayvire surely there are more pressing matters you must attend to." She notioned to the dwarves, now shouting and yelling.

"I will deal with that. But I owe you Tauriel. I owe quite a few people actually. But especially you. You deserve me to give you my time more than anyone else. And gosh have I missed us!"

She smiled at that, squeezing your hand and then turning to catch up with the rest of the guard.

Before you knew it you found your self walking through the doors of the throne room. Part of you wanted to march in demanding an answer. The young elleth in you screamed to do so. But you needed to be diplomatic and sensible, and it suited you a lot better these days.

Your Father was level with the dwarf, staring him down coldly, talking of dragon fire and loss. You saw the scars he had covered with Elven magic for years and your heart ached. How can he miss the dwarf's pain when his is still so raw ? You saw the dwarf, just as resilient. The King looked up, noticing you walk in, straightening.

"Ayvire." He said. "I do not require your assistance here."

You continued to walk forward. "Then it is a shame that I require yours."

He ignored you, looking back to the dwarf. He spoke more of loyalty and honour.

Then suddenly he ordered the guards to seize him and let him rot away. Your stomach sank and you rushed forward to stop the guards.

"Ayvire this is not the time." Your father bellowed as he rose from his seat, his eyes burning.

"Then when is?" You asked, walking closer to the dwarf, "when he is found dead one morning in his cell. Him no closer to retrieving his home and you no closer to taking back what is yours? Lives may be at stake one day from both of your stubbornness." You couldn't help the anger rise and you noticed the raised brow on the dwarf's face, the guards unsure of what to do.

"The dwarves will be left to the mercy of their cells. My word is final." He replied, sharply.

You saw his face twitch. It was rare he lost control of his demeanour but around you his defences wavered. His gaze did not leave yours. The guards began to grab the dwarf by the arms and pull him away.

"No Ada you cannot!" A silence followed.

You felt the guards tense, pausing beside you and the dwarf looked up at your, bewildered.

The King froze. His eyes bore into yours. And then he took a breath, breaking the silence.

"Take her too." He breathed. "She may stay there until she poses no resistance."

You couldn't help the widening of your eyes and your mouth opening, in shock. A set of hands hesitantly grabbed the back of your arms, but you were un-phased, only staring at your Father.

"You have lost me once," you said, "if you do this you will lose me for the last time."

His eyes held a deep sadness that seemed to linger, but he ignored it, straightening again. "I will do what must be done."

You didn't have the energy to resist. You let your arms go limp in the guards grip as they pulled you and the dwarf away. The dwarves gaze never leaving you.

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