(Thranduil/Young Legolas x Reader) Rogue ~Part 1

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(Imagine you are Thranduil's wife, spending the evening with your son, Legolas, only for your lives to be put in danger and for sacrifices to be made)

"You see that star there," you lifted your hand to point out a silver light surrounded by a circle of five more flickering white lights, the dark sky a glittering canvas, "that star was gifted by the moon goddess to the elves of old, as a thank you for their good deeds to the earth."

You gazed down at the little elf that sat in your lap, his eyes gazing up into the sky. A sense of awe crossed his vision that you only knew too well from your own younger days.

"Why is it surrounded by those other stars, Nana? All the others seem so far away." He said quietly. Your gaze shifted back to the night sky. The star was circled by five more stars and then surrounding it was nothing more than the odd flicker of light, all separated across the sky, distant.

"Because, Legolas," you whispered, "they are protecting the silver star." You squeezed him tightly and rested your chin on his silken blonde hair. "They are keeping her safe from any harm."

His muscles seemed to relax and he let out a soft yawn. "That is very nice of them." He said through a heavy breath as his eyelids began to close.

You chuckled softly into his hair. "Yes my love, it is. Now come, I believe it is time for you to say good night." You lifted the bundled elf into your arms and rested him on your shoulder, walking across the grass to the distant lights of the palace.

"Will Ada read me a story?" Legolas said wearily.

"Im sure he will." You said lightly.

"I want to find out what happens to the woodland sprites."

Your brows rose. "Woodland sprites?" You asked playfully.

"Yes." He yawned again. "They collect bundles of twigs that they enchant and use to create new trees and bring life to the forest. They leave enchanted twigs in places where they want to bring joy and happiness." The wind started to pick up and you held him a little tighter. Another yawn escaped as his eyes began to shut.

You stroked the back of his head. "Goodnight, my love."

"Good night Nana." He whispered. "Goodnight stars." You felt his breaths slow as he drifted into sleep, a smile crossing your face.

A maid walked past, a smile touched her lips when she saw you holding Legolas. His small hands clung to your long deep blue shirt that was wrapped around your waist, the material flowing long at the back but the front revealing your dark pants. It wasn't the ideal fashion for the Queen of Mirkwood, but when duty didn't call, you preferred to be comfortable. Signalling the maid to stop as you slowed, you smiled.

"Has the King finished with his meeting?" You whispered, weary of not disturbing Legolas.

"Yes, My Queen." She smiled. "Shall I send for him?"

You contemplated for a moment, noting the ever darkening sky. Your gaze glanced at the surrounding woodland and a small smile formed on your lips. "Yes please, Mirel. I will be bringing Legolas to bed shortly." Mirel nodded and walked back towards the palace.

The twigs on the forest floor were the first thing you saw. You'd wrap one in ribbon and place it under Legolas' pillow. Thranduil clearly hadn't got to the part about the ribbons being a symbol of friendship with the woodland sprites but you knew it would make Legolas beyond excited when he found out.

You took a few careful steps into the palace forest and roamed your free hand across the forest floor trying to be extremely careful and quick, not to wake the sleeping elfling. You grabbed the most sturdy twig and with a proud smile you placed the twig in the pocket of your pants.

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