(Frodo/Fellowship x Reader) It Will Get Easier, My Friend

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Request for 1Mando ! Hope you enjoy! Really enjoyed writing this one
(Imagine you are back in Rivendell with Frodo and the Fellowship after the destroying the Ring).

The ring had been destroyed. Balance has been restored. And now your friends in the Fellowship could rest easy.

The journey had been tiring. Mentally you were exhausted. Physically, you were finally recovering, with a slight injury to your leg just causing you to limp sometimes. But Frodo was alive and well and aside from the tragic loss of Boromir, that you knew your friends still mourned, you were all safe again, in Rivendell.

And breathe. You found yourself smiling at your reflection in the mirror.

For the first time, you could actually see your face, each and every feature. For months your cheeks had been burdened with dirt and your brow soaked in blood after battle. As you gazed at yourself in fresh clothes, you felt relief.

To the dismay of your friend Arwen, you still wouldn't wear a dress. At least not that of normal Elven women. You were only half elf after all and you never knew when battle was near so you opted for more simple fabric leggings and a long tunic that would pass as a dress when tied at the waist.

Once you had finished getting ready you headed out of your room. The odd elf walked past you and you nodded at some of the familiar faces. You hadn't grown up in Rivendale, rather by the side of Gandalf, your adopted Father, but you had spent much of your time in the company of elves in Rivendale, Lothlorien and Mirkwood.

Upon entering the large dining hall your face lit up at the sight of your companions. Gimli was over excited reciting some story of his kin to Aragon and Legolas sat talking to Merry and Pippin about something that seemed lighthearted due to Pippin's warm smile.

"Would you like some assistance, (Y/n)?" A small voice came from beside you and you looked down to see Frodo innocently looking up at you with a soft smile when he motioned to your leg.

You had become use to the limping and only remembered when the dull ache would settle in again. You smiled back. "I would appreciate it, Frodo."

You were okay walking on your own now but the hobbit's kindness was always hard to refuse and to be honest, having someone to lean on made you feel less tired by the end of the day. Frodo was able to grab the bottom of your arm which helped steady you as he guided you to the table, as soon as Aragon noticed you from behind where Legolas was sat he stood up to help Frodo set you down.

"You should really let that rest a little longer, (Y/n)." Aragon said, shaking his head.

"It is fine, Aragon. The walking is doing me good. If I give in to simply sitting down all the time then one day I might stand up and forget how to walk completely." Aragon chuckled and rolled his eyes, sitting back down at the long table, Frodo joining your side.

"Glad you could join us lass!" Gimli said, placing his mug on the table.

You raised a brow with your smirk. "Is it not too early for ale, my friend?"

Legolas scoffed. "You ask that of a dwarf, (Y/n), and Gimli nonetheless."

You let out a soft chuckle as Gimli grinned. "You're right, stupid question."

The Fellowship chatted for a while and you embraced the easiness of the conversation. No rustle of bushes or the sudden snap of leaves to alert you all. No midnight howl or sudden horde of orc's jumping to attack.

Legolas and Gimli's laughter was the loudest. The pair really seemed to have found a new fondness for one another.

"Are you recovering well, Frodo?" You asked the hobbit softly, turning to him as you chewed on your bread.

He gave you a small smile. "Yes, it was certainly an adventure I had not expected." His brightness was still scarred by a subtle tiredness and you knew it well.

"It will get easier, my friend." You said squeezing his hand. "The path we all took these past months will not be so kind as to leave us un-scathed but we will learn to get through it. I promise you."

"Together?" He said, glancing at you and the rest of the table who had stopped talking to look at you both. They all smiled back, as did you. "Together."

Much of your time in Rivendale was spent sharing stories with your friends of your adventures and the ones to come. You knew that one day soon you would all have to part ways, but for now, this was perfect.

"Are you attending the feast this evening, (Y/n)?" Legolas asked from beside you.

You pondered it for a moment. "I-I'm not sure I'm up for it." You sighed. "I'm still exhausted."

"It would be a shame to miss, (Y/n)." Aragon said, a frown on his face.

"I know. I would like to go yet I fear my leg is just draining me by the end of the evening."

You didn't have to look but you could see Frodo had a pout on his face.

"Of course." Aragon said, understanding.

You nodded and continued with your breakfast.

When twilight hit you rose from your bed to sit on the end when a knock came from the door, placing the book you had been reading beside you. Reading had been your main comfort. Although you could walk again, by evening your leg was exhausted and you needed distraction.

"Come in." You shouted.

The door squeaked open a little and you didn't see anyone enter until you looked downwards to see a small hobbit walk in.

"Frodo." You smiled. "What can I do for you?"

"It is more of, what we can do for you, (Y/n)." He said, a sudden smile gracing his lips.

You were puzzled and you let it show on your face. Then Frodo pushed open the door to reveal the rest of the fellowship behind as Legolas stepped in.

"We figured that if you could not attend the feast," the elf said, entering with a beautiful glass bottle filled with sweet red wine, "we would bring the feast to you."

Your heart lifted and you couldn't stop smiling as the rest of the company came in, Aragon bringing in a large intricately detailed cloth that he laid on your centre table as Merry, Pippin and Sam came squirming in with trays of colourful food that they laid on top.

Your mouth was almost agape. "Really? All of this, for me?" You said, a little too stunned.

"Well we considered simply carrying you to the feast-" Gimli began.

"But even if you spent the evening leaning on us, the chaos of the party may have worn you out. So we decided to bring it to you." Aragon finished.

"It was Frodo's idea." Legolas added with a warm smile as he helped lift you from your side of the bed to the end that faced the table.

Pippin and Sam came to place cushions beside you for support so you could rest on the bed frame.

"This is wonderful!" You exclaimed, smiling at them all as they placed themselves on the floor beside the table.

The evening was perfect, again. Singing was had by Gimli and once Legolas was drunk enough, a dance ensued. The hobbits would fall into little balls of laughter at any joke made or any slurred words from you and Aragon. Sure, the alcohol numbed the pain but that would wear in the morning. The new bonds you had formed would last forever.

"Thank you." You whispered to Frodo as the music from the Feast of Rivendale filtered into your bedroom.

"Together, always." Frodo said, with a smile as he gazed to you and then to the happy sight of friends before him.

The Hobbit/LOTR Imagines (Requests Closed)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang