(Aragorn x Reader) Recovery

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Aragorn helps and comforts you as you recover from the torture you have endured.
(The second part to "(Aragorn x Reader) Tortured")

Trigger Warning: flashbacks to violence and torture

Your eyelids felt heavy and it took more strength than you would have liked to open them.

Clear and white.

Bright. Blindingly bright.

Another hard blink and someone came into focus. It wasn't Aragorn. They wore a clean apron, their long hair was tied back, her mouth moving, blue hazy eyes, pale skin, red blood hands.


Her hands were covered and her face frantically frowning.

The healer no doubt.

Was it your blood? It must be.

Another voice.


Black blurry hair.

You flinched. A searing pain tore at your side. Then a burning ate away at your calf. Something in your chest tightened then a fire engulfed you. Before you knew it, your body was writhing and you lost control. You were shaking up and down from the bed.

"Help her!"


Yes, that was definitely him. You knew that voice.

Your back collapsed back onto the bed. Soft and warm.

You saw that black hair again. Smiling, you let the pain rock you to sleep.

You saw the orcs there. In the darkness.


A soft knock came from the door. Before you could sit back down, Aragorn walked in with a tray, a soft look on his face. Seeing you, he froze then ran towards you, placing the tray on the bed as he passed. "(Y/n), what are you doing? You shouldn't be moving around yet."

You bit your lip, one hand on your vanity chair, propping you up, the other now held out to stop Aragorn. "I'm fine." You said bluntly. "I feel fine."

"(Y/n)". Aragorn's voice was stern this time making you look back at him, his face a strange mix of sadness and seriousness.

Sighing, you put your hand down from in front of him. You didn't say anything when he put and arm around you and manoeuvred you back to the bed. You hated to admit to yourself that you instantly felt relieved when you felt the soft covers. "I said I'm fine, Aragorn."

You were well enough to move around the palace, just not on your own and not in the evenings when your body was weaker.

"I know it's hard." Aragorn said gently, placing the pillow behind your head as you sat. "And to the gods I wish I could take this all away. I wish I could take every part of it away. But I'm here for you now, always. You're healing and right now that's all that matters. You need your strength."

You just gazed at him for a moment. Just took in his features. And like that you felt calm again. "I know." You whispered. "I just want it to be back to normal again." You had to bite the quiver in your lip.

Aragorn's had gently caressed your cheek. "And it will, I promise. But for tonight, you sleep, your body is tired." And he was right, it was.

Aragorn tried to adjust the covers, lifting them up into the air to straighten them out. You watched as the sheets fell back down, covering your vision of Aragorn for a second, your body tensing as your eyes saw the rough sack pulled over your head, your vision covered, the orcs laughing. You closed your eyes and when you opened them again, those sounds disappeared and Aragorn returned, no longer out of view. You caught your breath and then let it out.

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