(Thorin x Reader) Bitter Resentment

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(Imagine trying to convince Thorin that his anger is misplaced)

"Get out of my way." Thorin growled, shoving passed you and Kili who untied him from the sack.

"Oh is that how we're playing it now? Like children?" He froze, turning around and his gaze snapping back to you.

The other dwarves gave each other worried glances as a few stepped away, choosing to tend to the ponies instead.

"It is not my fault we are in this mess." His voice was deep and hoarse.

You bit your lip, trying not to let your anger outwit you. "I never said it was, Thorin." You replied. "But Kili and Fili made a mistake and tried their best to resolve the issue."

"An issue that they caused, and you supported."

You sighed heavily. "I did not support them losing the ponies, I only encouraged them to go and get the rest of the company so we could retrieve them."

"Leaving the hobbit to deal with it." He retorted.

"The hobbit that I did not even realise they had spoken to and had told to go free the ponies! Had I have known the trolls had taken them I would have ensured that Bilbo was no where near them." You found yourself breathing heavy, irritated by his aggression.

"Yes and then he decided to get himself caught and nearly had all of us killed."

"Oh so now your mad at Bilbo?" You yelled, your voice rising.

Thorin took a step closer, not leaving your eyes. "He put us all in danger by going ahead. Not to mention that if Gandalf had not returned we would have all been slaughtered, including you. The wizard shouldn't have strayed from the Company to begin with."

You stared at him, baffled and unbelieving his anger. "And now your mad at Gandalf?"

His mouth shot open. "No. I'm not mad! Im just-just-"

"Your just what Thorin?" You snapped.

You knew the moment the company and yourself charged in on the trolls that Thorin was not going to let this go later. And he certainly was not going to let anyone involved off so easily.

But how could he not see that his company were only trying their best. Most were not use to fighting trolls and some had no experience in fighting whatsoever. You thought of Bilbo then. He was only trying his hardest to play a role in the company.

Thorin shuffled a little, moving his eyes away. "I just would prefer that mistakes like these did not happen."

You scoffed. "That is why they are called mistakes, Thorin." You looked away too that time, noting that all of the dwarves had now moved elsewhere to keep out of your way.

You had joined the quest as Galadriel's daughter, under the council of Gandalf. Your magic was your greatest weapon. You could never imagine having to learn the ways of a sword in such little time, unlike Bilbo who had even attempted to defend himself again the trolls. "He had the nerve to play for time, Thorin. None of you thought of that." You breathed becoming tired of the conversation.

You were not particularly fond of adventure and preferred to find comfort in your books. But the moment Gandalf had requested, you couldn't refuse. Your natural urge to protect came beyond your distaste for an uncomfortable journey. Gandalf knew your magic could guard the dwarves as well as those who may be in danger when tensions had the potential to rise later.

You had started to grow closer to the dwarves but particularly the hobbit. You decided you would protect him at all costs.

Thorin, however, you were not so sure about. Gosh, you admired him greatly. He worked hard to provide for his people and continued to strive for restoration even after the trauma of losing his family. But his head was clouded sometimes, and you did not like that one bit.

Thorin looked back to you, unsure what to say. It took him a moment of searching your eyes before he spoke.

"I'm sorry." He breathed.

Your eyes widened and you had to try not to let your mouth fly agape. "Do my ears deceive me or did I just hear Thorin Oakenshield make an apology?"

His mouth formed a thin line as he eyed you, daring you to continue. You knew better than to test him when he was being this vulnerable.

"Sorry." You said. "Continue."

He nodded thankful and straightened again. "Yes. I am sorry." He repeated. His voice became a little softer when he took a breath. "I know it was not Kili and Fili's faults, or Bilbo's or Gandalf's. I know it was a multitude of unfortunate events and timings that meant we ended up where we did. I've been so use to dealing with everything on my own. I realise now that I have not understood when help is needed or given. Although it does not excuse Fili and Kili for leaving the ponies unattended." He spoke that last part quietly.

You let a small smile grace your lips. "You're right." You said. "And I've told your nephews that they may find themselves taking on night watch for the next few weeks." Thorin looked up at you, almost not believing that you somewhat agreed with him. You let out a soft chuckle at his expression. "I understand why you are angry Thorin. I do. But you cannot keep misplacing your anger on the Hobbit or on Gandalf," you let a fraction of hurt enter your eyes, "or me." You took a step forward. "Everyone is trying their hardest. It's not just you alone anymore, Thorin. You have people who want to help you now. Who want you to succeed. But people make mistakes, no matter how hard they try and no matter how much they love."

His eyes held yours at that last word.


You certainly didn't love the dwarf. Not yet anyway. But you couldn't deny that your feelings were growing for him. Even despite his arrogant temper, you still found yourself wanting to defend him, or at least understand him so that you could defend his feelings.

"Can you forgive me?" He almost sighed.

Your brows creased. "Why do you ask? Of course I can forgive you." A small smile touched his lips and it made your heart warm. "But," you continued, "you need to start trusting in your company, Thorin. You need to start appreciating the people who are here for you. Not every is that fortunate to have so many by his side."

He nodded in agreement and began to turn. You made your way to turn back but halted at his voice. "Thank you for joining me. On the quest, that is."

You turned back to see him gazing at you fondly, with a slight shyness. "I don't think I would change it for the world. Although if you accuse me of betraying you again I will cut your face." You gave an innocent smile.

His brows rose in amusement and he let out a soft chuckle before smiling. "Understood."

You smiled back. "Good." You chuckled. "Now, go apologise to Bilbo. I'll go and remind Kili and Fili that their night shift is beginning."

He nodded, looking into your gaze. "Very well." He smiled.

The Hobbit/LOTR Imagines (Requests Closed)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon