(Frodo x Reader) It's Freezing!

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(Imagine seeing the ocean for the first time only to be able to spend this moment with Frodo)

You had not seen the ocean this close before, this clearly. Every meeting you'd had with the waves had been limited by the paper borders of your books or the rusted frames of your Uncle's paintings. You would imagine that you could reach through them, feel the water brush your feet, feel the beauty of stepping into a new world. It was like an impossible dream, now a reality.

"It is beautiful, is it not?" You breathed, as you felt a familiar presence stand beside you.

"It is." Frodo replied, his voice light.

This was the first time you had ever laid eyes on the ocean. Your home was deep in the forest. Your uncle, Radagast, was a Wizard of old, a Wizard of nature and all things earthly. Yet, despite all the beauty you had seen, all the forests, all the stars and animals and storms, you had never seen the ocean. You were protected by the woodland surrounding's that your Uncle had grown for you. That is why you had joined the quest to destroy the ring. You knew Gandalf would let you and he had managed to persuade Radagast to allow you to come, with Gandalf's protection. You didn't need it though, and Gandalf knew that. Your own magic was strong. But it didn't hurt to give your Uncle some peace of mind, even if it was a small white lie.

Your face shot to Frodo's as you let a sudden rush of excitement replace the calm of the sound of the waves, brushing the shore. "Let's jump in."

His expression was of shock and then he smirked. "Race you there."

Your eyes widened and you mirrored his mischievous glint. "Three...two...one-"

The rest of the Fellowship were startled when they suddenly saw two figures charge past them towards the waves. Gimli simply acknowlegingly grunted and turned back to sharpening his axe. Aragon let out a playfully chuckle and Legolas shook his head with a smile.

You both entered the water with a splash, droplets falling from your face and soaking into your hair.

Another small splash sounded behind you and you knew Frodo had just jumped in. You had become closer to the hobbit. His choice to leave all he knew behind and risk the threats of adventure to help Middle Earth had resonated with what you believed to be good in this world.

"(Y/n)! It's freezing!" Frodo shivered through a small laugh.

"Yep. It is!" You giggled back, trying to move against the waves to warm yourself up. The cold wasn't aggressive but you could definitely feel the difference from when you were stood in the sun, dry, just a moment ago.

Once your body started to adjust, the water calmed. As the waves became less intrusive, you let your back fall backwards as you floated on the glistening blue. You took in a deep breath and sighed contently. It was moments later that Frodo did the same.

"Thank you." You said.

"What for?" Frodo asked as he floated beside you, his eyes staring up at the sky.

"For persuading them to take this route. So that I could see all of this." You turned your gaze slightly to look at him but not enough that you would end up submerging your ears into the cool water. "It means a lot to me Frodo." You saw him blush.

"Before I'd left the shire, I didn't realise there were so many things I had not seen." He replied and you turned your head back up to the sky to focus on his voice. "The others, they had seen so much. You were like me, you took the opportunity to see a world beyond your own." His gaze turned to you this time. "I admire that (Y/n). I just wish that I had as much bravery as you."

Your heart warmed at his words. "Bravery is overrated Mr Frodo." You smiled. "Determination and the willingness to just see what happens, is where bravery starts, and it is the hardest part of all. Bravery is nothing without determination. And you have proved yourself very determined, Frodo. And very kind."

He smiled. You both turned back to watch the birds spread their wings in the sky and dance. You decided you would kiss Frodo later. You had a feeling he would kiss you back but of course you couldn't be sure. But that did not matter. For now, you just enjoyed the company of someone who felt like home.

1Mando Evelyn_Sappher thank you for suggesting some hobbit characters hehe
I really need to do some more!

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