Preference: How You Would Argue

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(Imagine how you would argue with one another and resolve the issue)

Bilbo: He would ramble a bunch of logical dribble to you as he paces back and forth your home in the shire. He would try and persuade you to listen to his side of the argument, you would. You both did not like confrontation and would often avoid it. Instead you would both walk back and forth the house, doing your tasks and preparing food while voicing your ramble of opinions. Eventually when you would both sit to eat, tired and out of breath from talking, you would eat in silence. You were both too drained to find discomfort in the awkwardness. The next morning you would find Bilbo come sit to you by the gate, a hand on your knee. You would smile and you both knew all was forgiven.

Thorin: His voice would boom like expected. But yours would not. You weren't married to the king nor were you courting but you both knew that your feelings for one another were unavoidable. You would sit there proud and stern while he ranted, your face emotionless. Once he was done you would rise and simply walk away: "I will speak with you once you learn to control your temper." Leaving him stunned. He would find you in the morning and apologise for raising his voice. You would nod and then out would come all of your own venom in a calm and collected manner. He would listen and then you would both talk it out, calmly.

Legolas: Ah yes, the silent treatment. You rarely argued but every now and then you would both find that the world would sometimes throw too much both your way. The only issue was, you would give him the silent treatment too. There wasn't much anger in your arguments, mainly sadness or annoyance at it having to occur in the first place. Thranduil would notice too when things had gone astray. He would give you the look at dinner when he noticed you were both spending far more time interacting with the others at the table and not your love. You both feared speaking to one another, not sure if the other had had enough time to process. It would end different ways. Sometimes Thranduil would interfere if the issue was lite by letting one of you know that the other was ready to talk. Sometimes Legolas would just simply speak to you first of the other way around. But most the time, you would wake up and see him stirring, snuggling into his side. He would be shocked for a second and then wrap his arms around you and hold you. There was a silence there that would be broken later when you talked it out, but it was not a cold silence but rather a comforting one.

Aragon: "(Y/N), we should talk." You'd turn to see his face gently lit by the fire, a sad smile touching your lips. "We should." And it was as simple as that. You would lean into his chest as you both stared into the fire and softly spoke of your issues together. He would give you the time to talk and you would do the same for him. By the next ride of the sun your issues would be resolved and laid to rest.

Thranduil: His gaze was all you needed to know of his anger. And so was yours. Suddenly he would sigh as you would take the pieces of jewellery from your hair: "It is time we discussed this, (Y/n)." He would say. The previous days had been rough as you had both passively aggressively spoken to one another, even in front of counsellors who were nervous in the tense air. Even the small jibes were enough to make them shake. You would turn to him, the angered gaze lightened, as did yours. You both hated arguing. You both needed each other to be in sync with your emotions because you were the only ones that fully understood each other's pain. "Come, sit by me." You would say, waking to your bed and sitting down, him following behind. "I hate it when we oppose one another so." He would breath, a slight waver in his voice. "As do I." You would reply. And your discussion would begin.

Boromir: "(Y/n) you must see that this is not all my fault!" You would turn to him, pausing in your tracks as you had both wandered the forest. "I never said it was Boromir! Sometimes you're so headstrong you forget to actually use your brain." That last part was softer. You could see the ache in his eyes. "You're right. Talk to me, please." He would suddenly sit down by the tree and you would come in front of him legs crossed and slouched. "I know I too am to blame and I am sorry for my part in this but you must see why I am angry with you." His gaze would reach your and then he would tilt his head. "I understand. I am sorry. I was heated up by my rage and didn't think clearly." A soft smile would touch your lips as you gently grab his shoulder, his eyes raising back to yours. "And I. Let us wander a little further through the forest before we return to the others? I feel such trying times have resulted in us becoming too stressed." "Time together would be perfect." He would smile.

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