Chapter 20

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     The stone of dreams sat in pieces down at the bottom of the deep canyon, as the moon began to slowly rise up into the sky.

     Finally, the moon reached it's peak, shining down brightly onto the shattered stone, the small pieces of rock beginning to glow brightly...


The doctor stayed in the room with Poppy and Branch, checking them over to see if there was anything she could do to help.

Nothing... they just remained motionless in their beds, unaware of everything around them.

With a sigh, she lowered her head, her ears drooping slightly.

"I'm sorry guys..." she muttered softly. "I wish I could help but... I don't know how..."

Slowly, the doctor turned to leave the room, gasping in shock as she saw something in the doorway. Her eyes widened in fear, as she looked at the terrifying creature before her...

A little white light shimmered brightly in the doorway seeming to look right back at her, as she remained perfectly still.

What was this thing? Was it dangerous?

Suddenly, the light shot forwards, zooming right past the doctor who flinched at the sudden movement, turning to face it once more.

The light was now at the window, gesturing frantically to the closed curtains.

"O... ok..." the doctor said softly, slowly beginning to walk forwards.

As she approached, the light moved out of the way, so she could reach the curtains.

Slowly and cautiously, the doctor reached for the curtains, quickly yanking them open as she jumped back, moving away from the window in fear.

The light seemed to smile at her before slowly fading away into thin air.

"Okay?" she said slowly, raising an eyebrow in confusion. What was that about?

She looked back over at Poppy and Branch who still lay almost completely lifeless in their beds, and sighed, slowly beginning to make her way for the door again.

Suddenly, the moon began to glow brightly outside, beams of light shooting in through the now open window, and shining down onto the two unconscious trolls.

The glow stayed on them for a few moments, before slowly fading away, the moon outside suddenly going back to normal.

"AHHHHH!" Poppy and Branch both screamed, suddenly jumping up in the beds, as they looked around in a panic.

The doctor jumped at the sudden sound, spinning around to face the two leaders.

Panting heavily in fear, Poppy and Branch looked around, noticing they were back in Trollstopia. They were no longer at the village in the trees, and the king Bashoonga was no longer there, ready to whack them with his staff.

Branch looked at his hands, his eyes widening as a small smile broke out onto his face. They were fully visible. He was no longer blinking in and out of existence.

Trolls and the Sleeping Curse (rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now