Chapter 1

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"Sorry child, but your credit score isn't enough for the loan. Just think why will we lend you money when we know you cannot pay for it?" The cashier hissed with pitiful eyes. He wasn't wrong, but that ached me even more.

"Please. I'll pay for it. I assure you. I'll do anything", I tried pleading for the last and upon contemplating the look of denial on his face, I moved aside for the others to go ahead in the line. Tears started forming at the corner of my eyes, but I cannot be weak. I inhaled a huge sum of air and let it out with a force that made my sigh audible.

My phone rang, and I subconsciously knew it was from the hospital.

[Miss Ari shii, could you please hurry up with the payment?]

The tone of the nurse was mild and soothing but the words felt sharp. I gulped and it felt like sandpaper grating my throat and I knew that any moment, I will pour down all what is stopped by the dams of my eyelids.

[I'm sorry. I'll try to pay it off soon.]

[I hope you know that we cannot start with the procedure of Areum shi if you don't pay the dues]

I sniffled as a tear ran down my cheek, but I wiped it off before anyone could notice.

[Yeah I know. Just give me a few days]

[That's what we don't have. I fear if you don't arrange for the money in one or two days, the condition of the patient will only deteriorate]

[I'll arrange it in a day or two.]


Call ended.

I leaned to the shutter of a closed shop, the gravity felt so much stronger with the weight I was carrying that I fell down hugging my knees. I have just turned eighteen, how am I supposed to arrange for all this. The day was windy and chilly at the same time and all what I had to go through made it more desolate. It was at this contemplative moment that my eyes laid on the flyer that was dancing and swirling in air, so effortless and carefree. I had the oddest urge of catching it as it was coming my way.

"Wanna become the eighth member of BTS?"

My eyes widened at the sight of what treasure I was holding. Conditions? Beatboxer? Yes, I am.
Eighteen years of age? Oh yes!
Male? Ye- oh wait! No!!

I frowned at the sight. BTS is a world recognised group of artists and as a Korean native, I respect them a lot. But why the heck are they a boy band? Come one Ari! Its not the time for futile frowning. I fiddled through my phone to call Yoo Ra Im. My best friend.

[Hey Ari. Wassup?]

[I could not get the loan]

[Cheer up. You'll get it. I'm so
sorry I cannot help you this time.]

[Not at all Ra Im, I know you are eighteen too. How in hell could you help me! But, still what should I do now?]

[I don't know babe. But, sometimes opportunities are looming around you. You just need the right eye to see it]

[Why not the left?]

[Oh come on! You cannot leave your lame humour on your doorstep even in this sensitive moment?]


[Haha. Ok, listen I need to go right now. Update me and I'll try to help as much as I could.]

[Yeah, thanks]

[No need, bye]

My glance shifted back to the piece of paper in my hand.

"sometimes opportunities are looming around you. You just need the right eye to see it."

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