Chapter 20

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I woke up with a sharp headache, it was still dusk. The regular time schedule made my body accustomed to waking up a little before dusk.

I rubbed my eyes to get a proper view and I saw Suga Hyung sleeping on the couch in sitting posture, the lights were still on. I remembered it all and sighed, my entire body was aching but I think I don't have fever anymore.

My throat went dry on analysing the odds. I bent a little, reaching for the jug of water on the bedside table but before I could reach for it, someone picked it up for me. I glanced upwards and saw Suga Hyung pouring a glass for me.

He handed me the glass and I could not meet his eyes while taking it.

"How are you feeling?" A sleepy rusty voice came out of his very guts.

"I.. I'm fine," I stuttered taking a sip from the glass, the water coursing down my eseophagus was like estinguishing fire that burnt me ablaze.

"So. When should I tell everyone," he questioned casually and I choked.

"Don't be a kid. You have to face it, you can't runaway from it."

I looked towards the glass in my hand at his didactic tone and felt a bit grateful that he was not yelling at my preposterous act. He sat on the edge of the bed and I immediately shifted my legs in apprehension that they may touch him.

"I'm hearing," he said, his eyes half closed and a disinterested expression on his face.

"W- what?"

"Your reasons..."

"Well um... From where should I start. So, my sister, my only family-"

"That I know, your friend told me that, give me something that's more."

I looked down yet again, not having any more explanations. I guess, I fucked up.

"Look," he took a deep breath, "I understand your condition and even that you had no other option. But, you know you can't play your game without having as much as a glimpse from the rule book."

He looked up and our eyes met. He continued, "I have went through tough situations myself, my bandmates too. But, if you can't buy a loaf of bread doesn't justify you stealing it," his voice had no aggression and he spoke it with subtle care.

"If my family is famished, I would still be inclined to steal that loaf of bread. Even if I am not justified, but I am forced into doing this. You can probably kill me, but I can't let you burn down my loved ones when I have the ability to save them," I answered lowly.

"You are not understanding. Abilities are bound to be under a certain circumference-"

"Why? I have the talent you need. You have the resources I need, then why? Why should this dwindling barrier of gender come in between?"

"Because that's how life works. There are distinctions in people and you are different from us. And if this comes out, not only ours, infact we may even come out of that black hole but your whole career, your character, everything will be in ruins. World is harsher for the new and the weak."

I gulped, "But if this comes out now, the result will be similar."

"The earlier the better."

I let out a breath, "There's no use. Can't we just conceal-"



"Because... Because this is wrong!"

"Just one album. Just one. Then I'll fade into the mist. No one would ever know my existence."

He shook his head, "I am not supporting this."

"You don't have to. You just have to turn blind eye to this."

"Who are you tell me what I should do?" He questioned quite sternly and that made my soul leave my body for a few seconds.

"Do you admit that I have talent?"


"Do you think that my talent is worthy of your band?"

"What do you mean? If it wasn't, they wouldn't have selected you."

I moved forward, my hands cupping his in request. "Please, take my talent as a compensation for my misdeed."

He yanked away my grip, "Are you hearing yourself and how unreasonable you seem?"

I joined my hands, I wasn't ashamed in begging right now, if that's the only way out. "Please."

"Mercy is for the weak. Don't go around expecting any when you have decided to play with fire. Do whatever you want, I don't care," he sighed.

Did he just accepted that he was giving me a chance? Tears brimmed my eyes, representing my gratefulness.

He stood up and once gave me an intimidating glare, "you lost my trust," he growled.

"I'm willing to take however long to win it back."

Without any more words, he left the room but his clenched fists didn't go unnoticed by me. I somehow managed to get up, my foot was not very supportive in the act. After placing back my lenses and brushing my teeth, I found myself in front of Namjoon Hyung's room door. I didn't even realised when I was here.

Taking in a deep breath, I knocked and waited. The door opened after a few minutes revealing a sleepy figure in front of me.

"Soo? Do you need something? Are you not feeling okay?" He instantly started examining me with a concerned expression.

Inside the room was Jungkook Hyung who was fast asleep. His hands and legs wide spread as if hugging the air.

"I'm sorry Hyung for my behaviour yesterday. I am really guilty and I promise I won't repeat it ever. Just give me one more chance," I said, not once looking in his eye.

All of a sudden, I was wrapped in two strong and reliable hands and I instantly hugged him back. There was nothing uncomfortable in that hug, it was just concern. It was as if someone just held all my broken pieces together forming back my determination and will to live.

"It's okay and I am sorry, we all are," he said and parted from the brotherly hug. Tears soon filled my once empty eyes, and he just first handedly witnessed how much I crave care.

"You guys are having a hug moment without me?"

We looked to side and before we could reply Tae Hyung took both of us in a tight embrace.

"Taee let go!" Namjoon Hyung whined and not going to lie, the embrace was so tight as if squeezing three of us.

"Oh my God. Its hug time?" Hobi Hyung joined.

"Your hug is ugly, let me make it handsome," Jin Hyung came out of nowhere.

"Guys let go~" Namjoon Hyung gave another futile try.

"Just because I am not the maknae anymore doesn't mean you will leave me!" Jk Hyung included himself.

"Is the hug complete without Chim?" Tae Hyung grinned and called for Jimin Hyung and the latter came running and jumped onto the human ball making us all slightly loose balance as we all fell down unanimously and then broke into a fist of laughter on the ground.

My foot hurted tremendously but, the warmth felt better. A family.

"What are you guys doing?" Suga Hyung grunted sternly.

"We are falling for each other," Tae Hyung chuckled making everyone laugh.

"This is not funny, and you," he looked towards me and as if my heart stopped beating. "Is your foot not hurt anymore?" He mocked.

"S- sorry," I stuttered as I collected myself but tripped and to my fortune, Jk Hyung caught me.

"Careful," he said and I smiled.



I helped him stand and he flashed a beautiful smile towards me and that felt really different.

He makes me feel oddly uncomfortable but weirdly happy. What is happening with me?

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