Chapter 19

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I turned around to the very familiar voice. Suga's dark hair waved in the cold chilling air but his voice was colder and somehow, I was scared to the point of death.

"Know? What?"

He scoffed and I gulped, somehow, trying to maintain my composure or I would drown in fear.

"Don't act dumb. You knew it, didn't you?" He questioned, a subtle sterness undercutting his tone. I had the urge to run as he was approaching me, looking everywhere but him.

"How could you both?" He said, his voice now calmer and bore a pained lyric. I shifted my weight from one leg to another. Saying that I was nervous would be an understatement.

"How could you," he yelled unanticipated and I flinched. I heard him inhaling deep as an ocean as a method to calm himself. I had no courage to meet his countenance which I anticipate to have only fury.

"I'm speaking to you goddammit!!"

I flinched yet again, tears prickling my eyes, I was an eighteen year old too. "Y- yes," I mumbled as I looked up finally examining his face. The amount of terror and anger that jolted over his pale handsome face took me off-guard.

He brushed his bangs off his forehead by his hand in frustration.

"You know what you are saying? Is this is a joke? Is BTS a joke to you girls? You know how much of our reputation is at stake?"

I looked at my feet in defeat. The cold wind hitting my face as if guilt stinging my skin.

He chuckled bitterly, "Yea, why would you ever care? You can just play dumb here. The whole world awaits the new BTS member, Mr. Beat. You know? A male beatboxer! What do you think will be the headlines if they know, there is a girl living with seven men? Do you think we will last with that crusty reputation? Do you even know how hard we have struggled to reach where we are today?"

I just listened to him with guilt riding over my soul. There was nothing but truth in what he said.

"You girls are so selfish! Just for your own needs you jumped into this without analysing the effect it can cause on us? Just for your fame, your so-called necessities-"

"Excuse me?!" I interrupted and finally met his eyes.

"You think an eighteen year old girl would go take such a risk for fickle pride and adulation? Or for some so-called necessities? Really? You don't even know, how much she dies each day-"

"It's not my concern nor its my fault!" He protested.

"Then it's neither hers! I know it was reckless of a move but when you are straddled between jumping down a building or burning alive, jumping down seems preferable. She... She gave up her entire being don't you see that?" My protectiveness shot up on him accusing her of getting her feet stuck in running sands for fame.

"You know, the girl who never cries, cried each night to sleep due to her conscience raging wars against her own being. But the moment she returns home and her eyes land on Areum, she is just pushed back into the salty ocean of her own tears."

He looked upto me, baffled. I let out a shuddering breath, tears dried on my face making till stiff and stained.

"Areum is her little sister, and her only family. The only person of whom she is responsible of. And you know, her age when she was handled this? Only 8! An eight year old girl child but did she ever complain. Never. She bore it all with all that charm that no one could tell the weight she was carrying. But this was till earlier this year, when Areum was diagnosed with Cancer." Tears glistened again in my eyes as I recalled how much she cried that day. She could not cry in front of Areum so, she locked herself in the washroom. I was a silent listener to her sobs and wails then.

I saw his eyes widen, but he soon protested, "everyone has problems in their lives and we have to deal with it!"

"Not if she has mere days in her hand to arrange for eight billion won!" Tears choked my voice. He placed his palm, covering his eyes.

"She needs to leave," he stated and nodded. My eyes widened more than I expected.

"She'll leave as soon as she is fine and that's all-"

"She cannot," I sighed, "she has signed the contract. Let her do this song and then I swear, we will never bother you. Ever."

"Are you crazy or are you pretending to be dumb? Is this some role play going on? I can't believe you," he said and before I could reason out anymore, he turned back and stormed into the dorm.

I just hope, she is fine.



I entered back the the dorm. I cannot afford to sympathize over her. Everyone was probably back to their rooms, I subconsciously moved towards my shared room and saw Jungkook leaning to the doorframe looking at the sleeping figure of Soo.

I placed a hand over his shoulder and he cringed due to the sudden contact. He had a pained expression flashing through his face, his eyes as if asking for forgiveness.

"What's wrong with you?" I asked and he hugged me in an instant. I patted his back not knowing what is the underlying cause of his behaviour.

"Hyung? We hurt him," he said. I felt furious, as if anger rushing in my veins. Jungkook was like my younger brother and she caused him pain. Not only him, I know all of them are hurt.

Somehow, I succeeded in restraining myself from speaking anything.

"What if his condition worsen?"

"It won't, we will get her- him treated." My heart raced at the slip of my tongue but he didn't notice my fumbling.

"What will we say to her sister? He is younger than me, I should be helping him but..."

The reference of her sister kinda took me off gaurd. "Its okay Jungkook, don't be a baby. We didn't knew."

"Was it necessary for him to tell? We never tell each other that we are sick, the rest infer it-"

"Just stop it Jungkook. It was not our fault, it was his! From the start."

"How?" Another voice said from behind. I turned back to look at Jimin.

"How was it his fault? You are being insensitive Hyung! How could you when he is in this condition," he protested and I sighed.

"I don't know what has happened to you but I am staying with him tonight. I cannot let my dongsaeng suffer alone," he said causing me widen my eyes.


"Why?" Jungkook questioned.

"I am staying here cause, you don't have to worry, he is my roommate. I will take care of him," I spoke in a breath.

We shared a few weird glances till I went in and shut the door from inside. I looked at her peaceful sleeping figure and my heart raced unknowingly. How careless.

Heavens, where am I stuck?

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