Chapter 41

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She was given tranquilizers and was resorted to sleep. She was in the hospital's most extravagant ward right now and that was obvious to avoid any information leaks.

Yoongi glanced at her unconscious form and stepped out of the ward, being severely affected by her state. His heart ached, he wanted to be with her but he just couldn't.

"Sir, you're Areum's brother, right?" A nurse approached him and he nodded mutely.

"We have to take her to the mortuary. Shall we?"

He was confounded, he once glanced into her ward knowing that she won't be up for a few hours due to the drugs given.

"How much time can we wait?" He asked.

"For a few minutes."

He sighed, "You may proceed."

He went back into the ward where RaIm was sitting by her side, her eyes swollen.

"If you want, you can leave. I am here," he said and she shook her head.

"I'll just come in a minute then," he added and left yet again. Finding an isolated room, he slid down the wall. His eyes watering no sooner. He cupped his mouth to muffle his sobs while another palmed his chest as if assuaging his pain.

After a few moments of silent crying, he pulled out his phone. It has been hours since they ran away, he had to inform others.

He switched it on and he had infinite messages. Ignoring them, he dialled for Namjoon who picked up in less than a second.

[Hyung? Where are
you? Are you fine?]


[We cancelled the
conference. What's the
deal? What's the

He cried on hearing his words. His throat felt heavy, such a load on his vocals that he just couldn't form words.

[Are you crying?
Why? You're making
me scared... Soo...
Where's Soo?]

[Soo... She... Lost his sister.]

[She- what?]

[He. He lost his sister.]

[What are you talking about?]

[His sister was terminally
ill when today her condition
worsened. She... She...]

[Shit. Where's he? Where
are y'all? I am coming. No.
We are coming.]

[NO. No no no no.]


[Just no. You cannot be here.]

[But why?]

[Because I say so. Just...
Just stay there. Don't come
here. Don't even think of it.]


Call ended.

He abruptly ended the call, not having any strength to reason out. He cannot let the truth unveil just now, not when she is in this condition.

It was already night time and she needed rest. Even he did, but that was not his concern in the moment. He exhaled sharply and wiped off his face, patting it with the fabric of his shirt sleeves.

He placed back his disguise and went back to her ward. RaIm was asleep by her side, sitting on the stool. He went ahead and patted on her back. "You should go and rest. I am here. Don't you have college tomorrow?"

She nodded, "But..."

"Don't worry am here," he reassured and somehow he felt credible to her and so she did. Working on a night shift as a practicing doctor and facing this today were surely taking toll on her physique, therefore she knew that Ari could be better assisted by Yoongi.

"Thank you," she bowed once and took her leave. Yoongi took off his coverings and sat on the stool, watching her unconscious self, breathing peacefully.

She seemed so dainty to him, so divine, so strong. He was scared, scared how she would live on because the only purpose in her life was to provide for Areum. She did everything for her sake, what would happen when she realises that it's no more?

He caressed her hair gently, her face was stiff due to dried tears and her eyes seemed puffy.


She woke up at midnight. Yoongi fell asleep, his half body on her bed and he was still seated on the stool. As she intercepted the weird surroundings, she panicked.

"Areum," she mumbled. Pulling off the cannulae connected to the back of her palm, not once concerning of the blood that was streaming out, she started pacing out of the ward. But before she could, a force pulled her back. Yoongi.

"Where are you going?" He asked in a groggy voice.

"To Areum," she simply responded, "Leave me."

"She's not here."

"Where's she?" She asked desperately.

He gulped, "mortuary."

"Who tf gave the permission to take my Areum to a place where the dead are kept!" She yelled angrily.

"I did."

"And who tf gave you the permission to do so? How many times should I tell you-"

He pulled her into his embrace. "The truth is harsh, I know. But nothing is more painful than living in a lie, Ari. You need to accept it."

"I cannot. She..." She cried in his embrace, "She is my everything."

"I know, I know," he said, caressing her hair and she just fastened her grip around him, staining his shirt in blood.

"I cannot Hyung. I... I am her sister but she is my everything... She is the purpose of my life... Hyung, how am I supposed to live without her? How..." She fainted on spot due to the weakness and the blood loss she encountered right after the blood donation.

Yoongi was devastated. He scooped her up, placing her on the bed and pressed the bell to call for the doctors and nurses who arrived in time. As they turned on the lights, the scene was disturbing. Blood staining the sheets, the floor and even his shirt but he could care less when she was lying almost lifeless in front of him.

How was he supposed to bear this pain? He had no idea. It ached. It ached all over. It aches to be him.


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