Chapter 6

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Its already lunch time but no one arrived in the dining area. I was feeling more than hungry as I hadn't had any breakfast. I waited for a little more time but no one came. It seemed rude to me if I would eat all alone. But, hunger was creeping on me like a monster.

I was about to pick up my plate when my phone rang, it was from the hospital.

[Miss Ari?]


[Areum shi can be discharged now. She needs to come only at the time of the 2nd cycle that will be done after routine check ups.]

[Oh ok]

[You can take her till then.]

[Should I come just now?]

[It would be better]


I tried to find my manager or anyone else but I could not find anyone. Were are they all? I tried calling Namjoon Hyung but all in vain, he wasn't picking up and I only had his number. I frowned as I ran to the reception. A sweet polite lady spoke, "How can I help you, sir?"

"Actually, I wanted to convey a message. If you find any BTS member or our manager please inform them that I had to leave because of some urgent work."

"Okay sir."

I made my way out of the building getting into a cab to the nearby market. I brought a wig that fitted me perfectly. Getting into a lonely washroom, I changed into girl's attire, settled the wig and took off my lenses. I feel so free out of that chest binder and I knew my eyes were bloodshot as I was still not comfortable with the lenses. I inhaled deeply as I took another cab to the hospital.

"Oh. Now you are coming back to my peaceful house, huh?" I chuckled looking at Areum. For a cancer patient, she was the most cheerful heart and I had to play pretend.

"Unnie, we all know how clumsy you are. Don't tell me you blew up the house in my absence" she giggled as I signed the discharge papers.

"Unnie, you got a new hair cut?"

"Y- yeah. I thought I should get dressed for the occassion."

"Thats not the very nice thing you should say to someone who had to go bald!"

"But you look adorable and cute."

"Are you sick somewhere? Is that really you saying this?"

"Shut up baldy."

"So mean."

And we giggled along. We returned back to our house and this took a lot of time, it was already afternoon.



"I don't stay here."

"What? Why?"

"I do part time at a call center. So, I have a night shift." I saw the glow on her face fade as tears marked their rims.

"I'm sorry unnie. Its all because of me." And she poured out her grief. I know how difficult it was for me to hold back my tears as I chewed on my bottom lip.

"Oh come on! Are you admitting that I am a responsible big sister? Should I record it?" I joked.

"Unnie ~" she whined and then pouted. She's a cutie pie.

"Okay. So, the food's in the refrigerator. Heat it up in the microwave. Sorry you had to do this when you just dis-"

"Who said, she has to do it?" I looked at the door and there stood Ra Im. I hugged her and she hugged me back, it's a relief that she's here. She nodded her head and I bade them farewell.

Finding an isolated changing room, I again transformed into Park Soo. Honestly, I am more than exhausted and its only now that I realised thay I ate nothing and it's already 8 P.M. and it'll take at least an hour to reach back.
Taking a cab back 'home', I could hear the rumbling of my stomach.

Upon entering, my eyes met with everyone's who were sitting on the couch of the living room. On examining their expressions demonstrated that they were pissed off.

"Why was your phone switched off, huh?" Namjoon Hyung said sternly. I looked at my phone and I realised it was discharged.


"I don't want your sorrys. Where were you all day? We invited all the music directors so that they can listen to you once. But, wow! You were no where!"

I looked down, tears brimming but I dare not let them fall, so I blinked a couple of times. Mens don't cry.

"I need a response God dammit!" His eyes were only flashing anger and his jawline was more evidently visible as he was clenching his jaw.

"Leave it Namjoon. Calm down" Jin Hyung placed a hand on his shoulder and I really grateful towards him for doing so.

"But. Where were you? We were concerned." Jimin Hyung added.

"Sorry Hyung. I will be more attentive. Sorry." I looked down and bowed multiple times not able to meet their gaze. I could not make out what their expressions were.

"You better be careful next time, thats it." Hobi Hyung asserted as they all dispersed leaving me alone, again. I too rushed back to my - Yoongi Hyung's room, closing the door behind me.

I slid my back down the door, and before I knew it, water dripped from my eyes down the bridge of my nose and onto my cheek. I had told myself I was fine a little while before, and pushed my tears back into their cages. Before I knew it I was sobbing, muffling my quiet screams of anger, frustration, and sadness. I was a broken record.

It didn't take me long to get hold of myself, but my sobbing left me with a throbbing headache. I sighed as I sat on the bed, resting my back by the headboard. I picked up a book I brought and started reading it to divert myself. It was my idea of comfort.

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