Chapter 4

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"So. With whom will he stay?" Jin questioned making me a little shocked.

They share rooms? That means I have to stay with someone. I knew something was off but I thought life can't be that treacherous. I was so wrong.

"I would love to share rooms with you but me and Jimin are working on the choreo steps. So.." Hobi stated and there goes my chance to share rooms with my bias. Do I sound like a desperate fangirl?

"Me and Jk are also working with the lyrics. We have to stick together." Joon expressed. Now only ones left were Tae, Jin and Yoongi who were giving me inexplicable expressions.

"You can take my room" Yoongi grunted, I was really grateful for his offer until he added, "I hardly use it anyway."

They probably don't want to share rooms with me. But, that's explainable. I understand their reluctance. Besides, I was more than happy, I don't have to live with a man in a room. I bowed to express my gratitude. And all them dispersed moving in different directions leaving a clueless me behind. Why the fuck do I feel like an out cast.

Hoseok looked back towards me and upon examining my blank expression, "the room is second from the left on the ground floor." You get why he is my bias. I passed him a smile and mouthed a little 'thank you' and he beamed back at me. Sunshine.

The room was decent. Obviously, the room of world's biggest kpop idols. What can I expect? I plopped down on the white sheets and they felt like roses on my back. Something telling me to wait till I feel the thorns but I shrugged off that feeling. I was done with overthinking the entire previous night. And crying will only strain my vocals that I cannot afford.

The door opened for the first time in while and I instantly sat up. It was Yoongi.

"I just came to take my clothes and stuff" he replied bluntly.

"It's your room, you can come whenever you want to."

"Yeah but I don't wanna invade your privacy. I know you are new here and it'll take time to adjust. As we slowly get to know each other, we can be comfortable." He said calmly and I came to know the concept of what's called - bias wrecker.

"If you want anything, you can ask me for it. But, don't disturb me when I sleep. You get that?"

I nodded and he flashed a gummy smile that was damn adorable. The smile was warm and it gave me a sense of relief. And it was the first time my heart felt calm since I made the decision to audition.

"Thank you so much." By the time I was able to say that, he was already leaving and he just waved his hand without facing me to show that he heard it. So cool.

I decided on taking a look of what the place actually looked like. So, I moved out of the room. The ambience of the dorm was homely and oddly pleasing. It was always difficult for me adjust to new places but here I feel casual. Maybe because of the circumstances, I know its an obligation and I need to stay here. I had this great idea of video calling Ra Im. So, I could show my new 'home' to her.

I called her and she picked up in an instant. Looks like she was waiting for the call.

"So, my Sooshi, wassup? Everything fine?"

"Yes. Everything is great. Look this is the place." I showcased the living room as I was swirling on the floor as if all my worries faded in the moment and I was practically dancing taking in the view of the place along with showing it to her. The place was an absolute dream, a distant dream for me.

In my mirth, I didn't look forward and bumped into someone. My phone fell down along with me. I looked up and it was Jungkook, his shirt was dampened with milk that probably fell due to my clumsiness. I quickly got up on my two feet and expressed my apologies as many times as I could but that was not capable of fading the frown on his face.

"I just took a bath!" He whined as he left. Fuck. I picked up my phone that was now on the ground and it had a big crack starting from one edge to another and to my dismay, the crack was on the screen and the screen gaurd was intact. Perks of saving money in buying a cheap screen gaurd. I think I'll be using a broken phone for an year or so.

I frowned a bit as I started to walk back to the room until someone just popped up in front of my. I flinched and almost cursed till I got my breath back to normal. Taehyung laughed at the sight. He had a playful grin plastered on his face and he looked like a kid. I am really eight years younger than him.

He looked at me once again and tilted his head, "Soo ... Shi?" Ugh! He probably heard out Ra Im. I knew that I was blushing, not in a romantic way, but because I was so embarrassed and I could not meet this gaze. He laughed off my embarassment, "that's a really cute name! Was she your girlfriend?"

"No. She was just.. a friend?" Why did I even pause?

"Are you sure Mr. Sushi?"

"Yes Hyung. She is just my childhood friend."

"Or childhood lovers. Tell me you have a crush on her."

What the fuck is wrong with me! Why can I can sense blood reaching my ears? Believe me, I am straight.

"Hell no!"

"Then why are you blushing?" He grinned.

"I am not."

"Yes you are! Ahh.. you are so little." He ruffled my hair as he went ahead towards his room with this adorable smile on his face. Just give me pillow and I'll shout in it for the entire day!

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