Chapter 12

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"One. Two. Three... SOO! This is not the right way." Our manager interrupted the practice for the eighth time in a row.

"Oh my god dude, why can't you get it right? We gotta do this again just because of you," Suga Hyung hissed.

"I am sorry." I bowed down multiple times.

"Everyone can leave, except you Soo. You'll rest only after you get this right. You are dismissed," he added and everyone dispersed, panting and exhausted.

"Hey kiddo, don't feel dejected. I was like that too when I started. But, you know, practice makes you perfect." Jimin Hyung adviced, smiling at me, his countenance was so warm and caring that it energised me all over again and I nodded enthusiastically. I watched them all leave the studio while I was stuck here. I sighed once as I started off again with my solo practice session.

It took me a lot of time to master the steps, they did in minutes. I never before realised that I was so dumb.

"Cool. You can pack up now. I am leaving too. Please close the lights once you leave," our manager added, yawning a little and I nodded. I decided on having one last practice and then leave.

The music played and I started off with the energized steps, the song's background music has my beatboxing, so the steps are also powerful. Finally ending with the most difficult part for me, as I jumped on the beat but unfortunately, my foot twisted as I landed. Fuck. It was painful. Instantly, my eyes were bloodshot, tears threatening to fall but I cannot.

Rule no. 13 of how to be a perfect man - Don't show your emotions.

My breathing became choppy as I held my ankle, trying to soothe the pain. I collected myself, forcing my body to endure the pain and got up. I started my limping walk to the exit as I closed the lights and moved out. I was practically walking on one foot, dragging along the other.

I somehow made my way to the van that dropped me to the dorm. I inhaled deeply as I once again endured the pain while walking straight towards the room. I felt the heat reaching my leg and the soreness it caused. Everyone was, I suppose, already asleep due to the exhaust of the practice session. I tried to move my ankle a bit but it only made me yell in agonizing pain.

How do I end up in these situations?

Tomorrow is our recording and here I am today, everyone was so excited and stuff.

I saw Tae Hyung entering the room. Why?

"Why were you yelling?" He asked as his eyes squinted because of the light in my room. I realised that his room is by mine and maybe my yell woke him. I was ignorant. Crap.

"Sorry. Did I wake you up?"

"Do I look like I am asleep?"


"What happened though? Are you fine?" He asked as he approached me. I was holding my ankle in my hands, trying to do I don't know what.

"Did you get hurt?"

"Yea. A little- AAAA" I screamed as his hand barely touched my pounding foot.

"Maybe you got a muscle injury or a sprain. Let me see." He said as he held my foot as gently as ever but soon, it wasn't gentle anymore as he moving my foot to examine it, I felt my muscles tensing up but I held it all in, no tears, no yells. Heat flowed through my face, reddening my ears as my endurance level was reaching its peak.

"Wait. Let me get you a relief spray." He informed and left but came back in mere seconds. He handed me the spray and I conveyed my gratefulness to him.

"We'll look at it tomorrow if the condition is better. Okay?"

I nodded as I took out a crape bandage from the bedside drawer.

"Thank you Hyung."

"No problem. Anything, then just give me a call." I nodded again.

I sprayed on my wound and it was painful. I felt chills travelling down my spine as the cold liquid covered my ankle. I bandaged it and plopped down on the bed. It was still aching but as I bandaged it quite tight, the area felt numb, so it was bearable. Moreover, the excitement for tomorrow was enough to surpass any pain.

Suddenly, I felt a stabbing pain in my abdomen.

Fuck. Is it that time of the month?

I quickly got up and paced towards the attatched washroom trying my best to place the least pressure on my injured foot. And yes, I was correct. I was on my period. I all the chaos, I genuinely forgot about this thing.

Getting back, I searched my bag and God bless Ra Im, she is not like me to forget this. She placed a pack of sanitary pads in the inner pockets. I quickly got one on and snuggled in my bed that felt so warm and cozy. It was October already, so the weather was a little chilly at night, so, I rolled myself into the blanket.

My pain only increased by time to a point that I could not take it. I always had painful periods, but this time was far more hurtful. I felt sharp poking in my lower abdomen as if someone's having a war inside. The pain shot up my abdomen like fire. I cringed. It exploded in my head with a blinding whiteness, making me dizzy. It made me reel.

The pain in my foot was like needles that had been dipped in alcohol had been jammed through my skin, like my foot had been replaced with ice and electricity wired straight into my spine.

My body jerked as the pain was becoming intangible and unbearable. In a second I was sweating profusely but I didn't want to move out of the blanket cause I knew moving will only lead into more pain. I somehow managed to the first aid box in the bedside drawer taking out the over the top painkillers. Two at a time.

They worked miracles but made me dizzy and I didn't even realised when I was sleeping soundly on the bed.

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