chapter thirty six

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Vinnie: I'll guide you guys to your rooms

Vinnie got up with his parents following him to their rooms

They left and I was left with Nick and Maddy

Maddy: so, how old are you?

Belle: 18, 19 in three weeks!

Maddy: oh wow we arrived in time then didn't we?

Belle: you guys sure did haha, how , so how did you and Nick meet?

Maddy: oh....actually my friend was dating him, and so I cought feelings for him, so he broke up with her a few months after telling me loves me

Belle's Pov: uhh so he cheated? Pfft I'm not even surprised, this jerk was flirting with me a few days ago 

Then I heard the door open

And I felt vinnie come and sit besides me

Vinnie: did I miss anything?

Maddy: no we were just talking about how me and Nick met

Vinnie: oh interesting, how?

*Maddy tells Vinnie the whole story*

Vinnie: oh....uhm how.....heart warming.....

Vinnie gave me a " did he just cheat " look

Then I gave him a "yes he did" look 🤣

Nick: how did you guys meet huh?

I looked at Vinnie

Vinnie: we met at a concert

Nick: at a concert? Vinnie I thought you didn't go to concerts?

Vinnie: it was for business

Nick: business at a concert?

Vinnie: yea, and?

I felt the anger in Vinnies voice

Nick: let me make myself clear, you were at a concert doing your so called "business" where people go to have fun and singer perform on stage right?

Vinnie: what the hell do you mean by " so called " ?

Nick: well, don't you call it that?

Vinnie: who the fuck your talking-

Belle: EHM EHM- Vinnie, nick and Maddy must be tiered , let's give them some space

Vinnie: yea whatever, I'm going to my room

With that he got up and stormed off

Belle: uhm, I'm headed to my room too, bye

Maddy: bye

Nick: bye

Than nick winked at me

I wanted to punch him in the face, but I didn't, because I didn't want there to be a problem in the family, I wanted peace

So I ignored it and left

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