angers issues

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The next morning

I woke up from a bad dream

I looked around but Vinnie wasn't with me, eh usual for me

I got up , had breakfast, and did my whole routine

I tried calling Vinnie, but he cut the call.........why?


Belle: Hey?

Vinnie: what?

Belle: exuse me? 

Vinnie: look, I'm kinda busy today, I'll talk later okay?

Belle: uhm...okay....can I know when you'll come home?

Vinnie: I don't know

With that he went offline...... he mad at me? he angry about last night?

I waited all day for Vinnie,

It was almost 3 am ......where is he? I'm not getting that worried, well, he is a mafia , but where is he for this long??

I was so mad at the same time, why did he talk to me like that for no reason?

I ran to my room, and slammed the door in anger , first he talks to me like THAT even though HE is late!?

That man wh*ore

Pfft hahahah! That suits him

I slept in my own room and locked the room

I didn't even eat much today, this was a very short day.....

The next day

I woke up at 7:12 am,

Got out of bed

Showered , picked an outfit , did my hair in a messy but and went downstairs

But , from Vinnies hallway so I can see If that- nvm is he's here or not

I slowly opened the door , and didn't see anyone

Wow so he prob left early

I was on my phone , and at the same time, walking downstairs

When I suddenly bumped into something hard

Belle: OW!

I looked up to see- Vinnie

Belle: ow-oh Vinnie Where were you last night? I was waiting-

Vinnie: none of your business. Why did you sleep in your room?

Belle: uhm exuse me?  

Vinnie: you are not to sleep anywhere but my room get it?

Belle: Vinnie........what's wrong?


Belle: I...........

Ngl, he was scaring me again, what tf is going on with him?

Vinnie: look, if I EVER and I mean EVER , see you sleeping anywhere but my room, I'm gonna lock you in there

Oh now he's getting on my nerves

Vinnie: seriously why are you such an idiot? Don't you get simple rules?

Oh no he did not- that's it , he's done , nope , ur done ur done

Belle: if I'm such a f*cking idiot, then go find another b*ch to sleep with, oh wait , you probably do , I forgot your a man whore!

Vinnie stared at me in shock, he never expected me to snap like that.....because I never did

Vinnie: if you ever f*cking talk to me like that, I'll kill you

Belle: your crazy!

Vinnie: I'm loyal to you, and you know it, now don't act like a f*cking b*ch , and do as I say

Belle: hmmmm......let me think , no you man wh*re

Vinnie: you don't have a choice , now , get in bed , now .


vinnie: oh but I can , I can drag you ass in my room, chain you up, and sleep, holding you, unless you wanna do things a bit less painfully?


I saw his face, to see his eyes starting to sparkle, but his face was still mad, I knew I hurt him really bad.......but he can't treat me like that!

I walked out......and quickly changed and went to Vinnie's room,

I walked in, and he was wearing the same, sweatpants with no shirt

Without looking or saying anything with a mad face, I went over to my side of the bed, and layed down

After a few seconds I felt a pair of arms wrapping my waist

I turned over and he layed his head on my chest

Belle: get tf off me I'm trying to sleep

Vinnie: no

Belle: Vinnie,  get . Off . Me .

Vinnie: I'm sorry.........

Belle: no Vinnie , you cant just treat me like that......

Then, he started crying....

Vinnie: you were right..... I'm f*cking pathetic, i- I don't deserve you, you're....just so perfect........I- was feeling insecure.....I was so mad at my ex when I remembered what she did last night......I'm just afraid okay? I'm afraid if someone will take you away from me........that's why I always want you to be mine....that's why I find it hard to sleep without you in my arm

I feel like you won't leave me when your in my arms......

Wow........that was.........I have no words but I can't let it go that easy....

Belle: I......can't......I haven't forgiven you, but you can cuddle with me okay?

Vinnie: wait really?

Belle: mhm

Vinnie: I love you.......

I didn't respond........ Vinnie looked a bit hurt...but he still snuggled into my neck

Then I said under my breathe

I love you more than anything

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