caught off guard

791 13 6

Friday , 4:33 am

I bolted up as I heard a gunshot

the room was pitch black and cold as ice,

My heart started to race and I started breathing heavily as I just woke up from a bad dream as well.....more like a nightmare

I was so scared my body was frozen in it's spot and I couldn't help but think this had something to do with the whole , Vinnie's a mafia thing, Vinnie was sleeping right besides me peacefully as if a gun didn't go off , I was so confused and so very scared

I was starting into completely darkness, not knowing was to do or how to move my body out of fear

I stayed like that for 20 minutes until

I felt a warm and gently touch on my thigh

I flinched, but soon realized it was Vinnie , so he woke up because I got up but didn't even hear the gunshot?

Vinnie: what's wrong love?

He spoke with his heavy sleepy voice

love!? What!? I'm here scared to my soul and he's calling me love!? God my life is just too many emotions

Char: i-i heard a-a gun....g-go off....

Vinnie Opened his eyes a bit and looked straight into mine which made shivers go down my spine , I started to get scared of him

He sat up besides me , and put a strand of hair behind my ear cupping my face with only one hand , his face was really close to mine

Vinnie: did you have a bad dream?

He whispered gently so he wouldn't scare me more

Char: n-no- I swear I heard......yeah I did have a bad dream but-

I was still breathing heavily and looked tense

Vinnie: you probably heard it in your dream then, because I would've gotten up could've been my dream.....he's right, he's a very light sleeper so....

Char: oh-

Vinnie: yea, and don't be scared , you never need to be scared of anything or anyone as long as I'm here,  I'll protect you from everything okay? So stop being scared of everything, I'll always keep you safe and protect you, and that's a promise.

I suddenly looked at him, shocked at what he said, my heart felt like it was melting, those words.....they were something I've been craving to hear all my life....

There were tears in my eyes....and I didn't have anything to say....I was speechless

Vinnie: no no please stop crying, you know how much my heart aches when you cry

He said wiping my tear off with his thumb

At that moment.....

I was caught off guard....

I had never had anyone say these things to parents were barely in my life and the time they were in my life all they did was brutally abuse I didn't know what to do or how to react, those were happy tears, because the words he said hit straight into my heart

I just looked at him just stared into his beautiful hazel deep eyes, then jumped into his arms hugging him

He hugged me back so comfortably and tightly, I could tell he was also caught a bit off guard.....

It was also actually my first time getting an actual hug since........ felt good

Vinnie's POV:

She jumped into my arms when I told her how much It hurts me when she cried, honestly I wasn't expecting it, I thought she hated me

But the moment her body hugged mine, I felt my heart fluttering

Her was more of a blessing to me......she was so warm and soft, and I was just always cold and muscular

So feeling something warm for once felt amazing

I didn't realize how much what I said to her meant to her, she really started crying....

Vinnie: shh don't ruin your pretty eyes

I said because I found her eyes really very beautiful, her eyes were captivating, interesting, mysterious and most of all inocent....

She was very inocent

I always give people death stares and hate it whenever they dare to look into my eyes .

But her eyes, the more I kept staring into them, the more I craved to stare more

Char: o-okay.....

She said sniffing and trying to stop smiling which I found so adorable, god she is so precious

Vinnie: can you put me to sleep.....I have a hard time falling asleep by myself....

Char: mhm yes

She spoke with her gentle soft beautiful voice , she was always so soft spoken, which made me crave her voice so much more .

She then put her palms on my shoulders , pushing them gently so I would lay down instead of staring at her for hours

Then, she layed besides me , and closed her ey-


I turned towards her , then got on top of her, hovering over her body

She opened her eyes and lightly smiled

I would, quite literally kill someone for that smile

I then layed on my head on her chest , hoping she wouldn't mind or it wouldn't hurt her which it didn't thankfully

I wrapped my arms around her waist carefully...

It might sound dumb, but to me, this girl is very precious, so whenever I touch her or hold her, it feels like..... she'll feels like her delicate soft  body will I'm always cautious not to break my precious girl

A/n:  Once again thank you for all of your votes , comments and reads , I'd like to address that there's an issue with my other book, so that will take some time to sought out, please be patient because I'm trying to get it done asap , and also thank you for 1k+ on that story!!! Seriously grateful for you ❤️

Mafia Undercover Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt