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Author: hey gor-gus!!! Thnx sm for the support y'all dont know how much it means to me! Btw can y'all go follow my friend on ig plzzz it has always been her dream to have 1k followers!! Her id is Hanna_n_m_ it would mean a lot if y'all followed!!!!!!

Belle: uhm....okay

Doctor: ..*doctor tells news*

Belle: WHAT

I started thinking about how I'll tell Vincent.....

But.......does he......what if he won't take it in a good way....

I felt so many emotions at once...

I got up to go take a shower to clear my mind

And after I was done I changed into this:

And after I was done I changed into this:

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And went back

I didn't take long to shower

But i still kept overthinking about how Vincent would react

After a few minutes he came back with two boxes of donuts from crispy cream and two large Starbucks drinks

At that moment I thought not to tell him yet

He took me to a really nice place, i think it was the rooftop , when I saw it I was shocked at how aesthetic and cozy and beautiful
Everything was

He took me to a really nice place, i think it was the rooftop , when I saw it I was shocked at how aesthetic and cozy and beautifulEverything was

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Belle: oh my god this is so pretty

Vincent: let's eat

We sat down and ate together

It was soooo fun it felt like a date

After we were done I got up and looked at the view

When I felt two muscular arms wrapping around my waist from behind

Belle: hi Vincent

Vincent: hey

He said and kissed my cheek

I decided go tell him....

It felt like the right moment....

I turned around to face him

And then he started staring at my lips

Belle: no Vincent

Vincent: please

Belle: no not right now I need to tell you something

Vincent: right now....okay?

I held his hands

And I think he knew it was serious

He looked deep in my eyes

And the when the sun hit his eyes......I was lost in them.......there's just something about his a path between his eyes and my heart just forms when the sun hits them....

Vincent: is everything okay?

Belle: yes......I-I just wanted to tell you that.....

I couldn't speak if how scared I was....

I let go of his hands and looked Down

But then Vincent grabbed them and held my hands

Vincent:hey you can tell me anything you know that, you know I'll never hurt you, I'll never do anything bad to you ever I love you, please don't be scared

At that moment......I realized how much he loved me......I couldn't make a vision in my head of him hurting me......I felt as if he was the only person who I could love and trust.....

So I told him.....

Belle: I-I.......I'm pregnant.............

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