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7:30 am

I woke up to feel a pain in my stomach,but it was just a little

I tried getting up but Vinnie pulled me back in bed

Belle: Vinnie I'm trying to get up and your making me more sleepy

Vinnie: it's so early what do you wanna do stare at the earth?

Belle: what!? 😂

Vinnie: or do you want to go shower your non-existent fish?

Belle: 🤣Vinnie are you okay?

Vinnie: I don't know

Not even a minute into the day and I'm already laughing, even though my mood is bad every morning, Vinnie sucsessfully made me laugh

I slowly got up

And tried not to wake Vinnie up...

I actually had to go get something done with Charlie and Addison

Fast forward 12pm

I was chilling on the couch when I heard Vinnie come down

He was still in his sweat pants and, he didn't even bother to put a shirt on , he showers every morning so his hair was wet, but this was very unusual as he's always in a tux or in a suit in the freaking morning

Belle: good morning , even though it's the afternoon

Vinnie: hey....

Belle: you look tiered? What's wrong ?

Vinnie: I don't know.....I felt super lazy this morning.....

Belle: oh? Are you sick?

Vinnie: no I feel fine......idk what's wrong dude

He came and fell on my lap

Belle: so your going back to sleep now?

Vinnie: no, I'm just dying

Belle: pfft okay

I didn't wanna ruin the moment....but I wanted to ask him if I could go outside alone to hang out with Charlie and Addison....I mean idk if he trusts me.....but if I ask him, I'll know if he actually trusts me or just says he does

Belle: hey vinnie....

Vinnie: yes love?

Belle: can I maybe.....go outside.....

Vinnie: uh yes why are you asking?

Belle: wait what? No like, not in the outside.....

Vinnie: yes you can

Belle: so I can go to the mall and stuff?

Vinnie: ofcourse you can , do you know how to drive or should I call the driver?

Belle: so I can go out all by myself?

Vinnie: yes , but you have to keep a low profile , people will recognize you and ask you weird question

Belle: weird?

Vinnie: like, if you sleep with me, or if you use me-

Belle: woah okay that's disgusting

Vinnie: yea, everyones been going nuts when they found out we were together , because this was the first time I every dated someone in public

Belle: I heard

Vinnie: mhm, or I can send some guards?

Belle: uhm no I'll be fine....

Vinnie: alright..but can you leave later.....I'm really relaxed on your lap

Belle: okay but don't fall asleep

Vinnie: I think I'll just get up then

Belle: I knew you were sleepy

I got up and put on an oversized shirt with sweat pants

And made my way to the Front door....

I stared at the door handle....

Knowing Vinnie wasn't besides me opening it for me....

It felt wrong....I had to get him to escort me out....

I tried opening the freaking door but my heart didn't let was like I just couldn't...

I ran to Vinnie's room

And burst in

Vinnie: woah hey what's wrong??

Belle: uhm....sorry i- I-

Vinnie: go on?

Belle: I- i- I can't open the door!

Vinnie: what?

Belle: I can't get myself to open the door Vinnie......

Tears started forming in my eyes.....was I really so used to him being around me that I couldn't even open the door.....I can't live like this....

Vinnie: woah hey calm down love it's okay I'll drop you off?

I nodded

Vinnie got up and went to his closet to put on a shirt

After a few seconds, he came out in a tuxedo

Pfft , this was normal now , infact, he wore tuxes in the morning when I wake up

We both went downstairs, and Vinnie opened the door for me

We got in the car and Vinnie Started driving to the mall

They arrive*

Vinnie: pick you up at 6?

Belle: yes

Vinnie: bye princess

Belle: bye love

Vinnie: love? That's rare

Belle: don't make it go extinct

(Put some appreciation into this line)

Vinnie: danm ngl that was creative

I kissed him on the cheek which caused him to smile

And got out of the car and walked in

I met Charlie and Addison at the inner entrance

Charlie: hey gurrl

Belle: hello my sweet child

Addison: hey....

Charlie and I were used to Addison being like that, then I found out she only acts like this around me.....weird.....

We started shopping and we were in Sephora, I picked a cute dress and tried it so I wasn't too short...

I came out of the changing room

Charlie: omg u look so pretty

Belle: aww thx , i think it's too short tho...

Charlie: it's okay.....just wear it at home 😏

Belle: why'd you smirk like that.....

Charlie: you know "who" else is at home hehe

Belle: god shut up

Addison: you should take it off, you look very fat, Vinnie would be disgusted

Charlie: ADDISON!

Addison: I'm speaking the truth, sorry for being honest

That comment make me very insecure..... because I once had an eating disorder.....

A/n: hey gorgeous ppl, so I wanted to ask if y'all wanted another story like this, or do y'all want a high school story similar to this?

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