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Naomi, Liyah and I was flying behind the ambulance to the hospital. Grant came and did all that and they still didn't get that mother fucker.

Anyways we went into the hospital and they made us wait in the waiting room. I had to calm Aaliyah down cuz she was crying. I told Naomi to take to get some air and food. While waiting the waiting room, they called me in for my mom. I went to the back and she was laying in the bed. She seen me and gave me a small smile.

"How you feeling??" I asked sitting in the chair beside her

"I'm fine..." she said turning to me

"I thought you got shot..." I said looking up at her

"No honey. It was just under a lot right then and I just fainted..." she said

"Yeah. I'm glad you're okay..." I said as we smiled at each other

"Where's Aaliyah??" She asked

"I asked Naomi to take her to get food and air to calm her down..." I said and she nodded

"I want to apologize. If I would've known all of this I swear I would've never done it..." she said sincerely

"I know mom. It's fine, you didn't know. I'm sure if you knew you would've fucked him up yourself..." I said and she laughed

"I just hate to see you going through this. Why you don't tell me anything??" She asked moving my hair outta my face

"Last time I didn't tell you something, you went snooping around, found out and blamed my girlfriend for what happened..." I said looking at her

"I know and I'm sorry about that. I just don't want to be left outta the loop of what's going on in your life. I know your grown and everything but you're still my little girl and I hate how life is treating you..." she said

"I mean it's not all bad. I have my woman back, I have my friends and family. Everything else is shitty tho..." I said

"Amari what's really been going on??" She asked sitting up on the bed

I sat back in my seat.

"We moved to get away from the drama. Before we moved Grant had gotten a hold of me and told me if I didn't want Indigo hurt I had to be away from her. So I went with him. I was staying with Indigo's cousin Storme. After a couple of weeks of not seeing her, Storme had us go on this trip and she surprised me with Indigo, because I missed her. She also surprised me with the others. During the trip Indigo and I discussed leaving and started fresh somewhere else. After the trip, I went back and Grant made me stay in a house full of boys. It wasn't bad because they never bothered me, but I couldn't continue so I called Indigo. She came and got me and the next day we came here. I stayed in a hotel for like 2 or 3 weeks before we were able to get the house we live in now. We got it then Liyah moved here. Everything was quiet and stress free. We decided we wanted to have a child. We went through the whole procedure with the sperm donor and all of that. We did it and a couple of weeks later I found out I was pregnant. It was going good until around the 3 to 4 month mark. Indigo and I was getting into it. She needed space. I thought she was cheating on me. It's was just overall too much. We spent time to ourselves then we got back on track. The day before I lost our baby I had ordered a cheesecake and got it delivered to the house. I ate it then went to bed. The next day I woke up with stomach pains. I thought it was normal so I went on bout my day. Indigo had left for work and everybody was gone. I went upstairs and.. um, I..." I said

My eyes started watering and I started breathing heavy. Mom grabbed my hand and made me look at her.

"Breathe in... Now breathe out...
"Breathe in... Now breathe out...
One more time, Breathe in... Breathe out..." she helped me calm down
"You alright??" She asked looking at me

I nodded my head doing the breathing thing once more. I took a few seconds before I started again.

"I went into the bathroom and I felt something falling down my legs. I put my hand between my legs and it was blood. Soon as I seen the blood, a sharp pain shot through my stomach..." I said as tears fell down my face
"Mom I was in so much pain. The first thing was to call Indigo but she didn't answer cuz she left her phone in the car. After she didn't answer I called Liyah. Her and Naomi got me to the hospital. When I woke up, our baby was gone mom. He took our baby away from us. We didn't even get to see him..." I said before breaking down on side of the bed

Indigo and I try to make it seem like we're fine but we still find ourselves crying on each other's shoulders in middle of night from the pain Grant has caused us. He took our baby from us before we could even see or name him. We didn't get to met him.

"He took our baby mom..." I said crying harder as she pulled me against her on the floor

I cried against her chest as she rocked me side to side, rubbing my face and kissing my forehead to calm me down. She used to do this when I was younger when I was upset. It has always calmed me. Once I calmed down, I sat up and she turned me towards her.

"He made her feel like all of this was her fault when it wasn't true. She has done and always have kept me safe. She's a good woman, anybody can see that. We haven't did nothing to anybody. Why us mom??" I asked looking in her eyes

"Mommy don't know, but what I do know is God give his toughest battle to his strongest soldiers. You and Indigo nothing but strong. Y'all have been through a lot together and y'all still manage to keep y'all heads up and smiles on your faces. No matter what will be thrown at y'all, y'all will get through it. Wanna know why??" She asked and I nodded

"Because y'all are head strong, y'all are determined and driven. Y'all never let anything keep y'all down and that's how you need to be. No matter what comes y'all way, y'all are going conquer it..." she said looking at me
"You hear me??" She asked

"Yes..." I said nodded
"Thanks mom. I love you..." I said hugging her

"I love you too..." she said hugging me tighter

We pulled away and smiled at each other.

"Now can you help an old woman off the floor..." she said and we both laughed

Once we got up, I hugged her again then Liyah walked in.

"Mom..." Liyah said running to her and hugging her

"I'm fine baby..." she says rubbing Liyah's back

"Family for Indigo Cotton..." the doctor said walking in the room

I turned around and walked up to him.

"Yeah..." I said

"She asking for Amari Rose..." he said

"That's me..." I said

"Well follow me..." she said

"I'll be back..." I said turning back to mom and Liyah

"Take your time honey..." mom said before I left out the room

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