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We were just sitting around waiting on the rest of the people to come. Once everybody came T and Aja announced the first game.

"Okay, everybody come get a necklace..." Aja said

Everybody came and grabbed a necklace including Indigo and I.

"This game is you can't say the word BABY. If someone hear you say baby they can take your necklace. At the end of the baby shower whoever has the most necklace wins a gift..." T said explaining the game

"I got this..." Naomi said rubbing her hands together

"Imma win..." I said sticking my tongue out at her

"Wanna bet??" She asked

"Nope, I'm tired of you taking my money..." I said making me, her, Indigo and Liyah laugh

Every time I bet her, she ends up winning and taking my money. I lose every bet I do with her.

While playing that game we started playing other games. We started started off playing the blindfolded diaper changing game. Aja was keeping up with who was winning.

My mom won against Indigo and I.
T won against Sanjay and Storme
Liyah won against Dakota and Juice
Logan won against Indigo's cousin Lu and Naomi
Indigo's uncle won against Joey and Mia
Last round Skye won against Cree and Jilly

The people that won had to go another around and another around until the last person was standing. In the next around, Liyah was out. The round after that, T was out. Then, Skye. Then, Logan. The last 2 standing were my mom and Indigo's uncle.

"Unc you been talking smack to her this whole game. Now let's see what you got..." Indigo told her uncle

"You know it ain't no thang but a chicken wang..." he said making us laugh

"Y'all ready??" Aja asked as she set everything back up

They both nodded. Aja started the timer and told them to go. Within 45 secs mom was finished. She beat him.

"Now all the shit you was talking..." I said making him laugh

"Oh hush. But I give it to you, you did your thing..." he says shaking mom's hand

Aja went to the table, grabbed a gift bag and gave it to mom.

The next game we played was called Guess Mommy's waist. They had to guess how my tissue squares it took to go around my waist/stomach. Whoever guess the number or guess the closet number wins. This game Naomi won cuz she hit it right on the head. The answer was 15 and she said 15. Indigo could've won but she was 1 count off. She said 16 instead of 15. Naomi got her gift and we moved to the next game.

The next game was Guess how many gummy bears was in the jar. Everybody guessed number and Indigo was the closet. She said 500 and it was 475, so she got her gift. After that game they had Indigo and I going against each other guessing the flavors of the baby food.

"Are y'all tryna kill me??" I asked looking at Aja and T

"No, why would you ask that..." T said looking at me as she sat the baby food in front of us

"Y'all got me taste testing shit while pregnant. This shit gone make me throw up everywhere..." I said

"Baby go get a trash can..." T said

"Give me that necklace..." I said with my hand out

"Damnnnn..." she said giving me her necklace

Aja brung the garbage can and put it beside me.

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