me, the hypocrite

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i wish
if only i had the guts
to ask you.

i sit pondering
sometimes for hours
how you would take it if i told you

"i love you"

i know
i become angered
that you have not asked me
however is that not the point
i have not asked you either.

to be truthful
i have loved you for a while
i deny it
from fear.

i wish i wouldn't.
i wish i could walk around
holding your hand tightly
squeezing it
every flutter my butterfly heart makes
show you the world
through my eyes.

show you, you
through my eyes.

your talent

to me these are beyond perfection.
so difficult i wonder
how must you live up to them?

the only conclusion.
you do not see yourself as i do.

you criticize, critique
every small detail
of yourself.

now i am being a hypocrite
as i do the same.

i wish you did not
but i cannot help it myself.

i fear how others perceive me too
partially for image
but mainly
because i hope
no one
sees me
as i see myself

a weak

by o.p.

sometimes the advise givers need to follow our own advise.

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