the best friend

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the smart one

you are always described as such

what makes you so?

i believe we all know

for your brains

are obvious to me

and everyone who experiences them

however you are much more

i do not believe

that should be

the first word to describe you

such a beautiful person

why so basic

when you are so complex

you are many things

to me at least

you are the night sky

the colour royal blue

the most productive person i know

my rock

in pain herself sometimes but still, 

my rock.

let's go deeper

you're like the violin

the sweet dramatic sound

taking the head of the orchestra

so complex to play yet once you master it

it's stunning.

a bowl of warm ready break porridge

a childhood favourite

comfortable, comforting, cozy.

like heather

the small shoots

so tiny

but so many

they take over the sides of whole hills.

like freshly cleaned bed sheets

your mum put in the washing machine

when you're ill

the cold fabric

open window

fresh air

happy crunch of the soft fabric

as you lay back down

on the pillow

of sheets.

when you wipe off makeup

after crying

the sticky mess


your face feels clean.

your like a comfortable




like the night sky

but not just that.

you're the full experience

the cold night air

cozy jumper

the complex constellations

that litter the sky.

you are my friend,

the whole experience.

not just a part of it

you are everything

the full picture.

by o.p.

to my best friend, the strongest, bravest, most beautiful person i know.

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