Michael's ABC

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Lets start out with some basics! These first few chapters will go through the alphabet and describe some basic things about our boys. Michael is up first!

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A. Affection: Michael isn't a very affectionate man, and his way of showing affection is often odd. He will typically touch you gently on your arms or back, just admiring how you feel.

B. Build: We all know Michael is a tall boy! He is the tallest slasher at 6 foot 8 (yes, I'm using the RZ remake height, don't come for me) and has quite the sculpted body.

C. Cuddling: He isn't big on cuddling you, it's a bit of a pain in the ass to scrunch himself down enough to do so. He does, however, like when you cuddle him and will subtly hold you.

D. Dancing: Michael? Dancing? Lol no. He will sway awkwardly which he can pass off as slow dancing but other than that, he doesn't get funky.

E. Energy: Michael is not an energetic guy, he has incredible stamina and can withstand a LOT of physical labor but he is slow moving, low key, and kind of mopey.

F. Funny: The guy is awkward and has some unintentionally funny moments, but you'd be surprised that that's not the full extent of his humor. He does have a sense of humor, but it's a little too sinister.

G. Generosity: Michael isn't very generous, he's actually kind of selfish but not maliciously. He's just honestly not used to having someone else to have to think about.

H. Hair: Oh gosh you wouldn't believe how fussy this guy is about his hair! He hates having body hair and goes out of his way to keep himself as smooth as a baby's butt. As for his head hair, it's pretty low maintenance as those perfect waves practically style themselves.

I. Imagination: At first glance, Michael seems like the least imaginative person in existence. Well, he actually does have a pretty vivid imagination, just a purely dark one. You don't want to see his "creativity".

J. Jealousy: Michael would never admit to you that he has a jealous streak. He is possessive but will keep his jealousy in the dark while he quietly and discreetly disposes of anyone he views as competition.

K. Kissing: Michael doesn't kiss you often, and he isn't particularly skilled nor terrible at kissing. He's pretty much baseline, but he very much enjoys having his body kissed by you.

L. Love language: Michael is mute and physically reserved, so communication between you two is some expert level shit. He communicates his love for you through his eyes and body language, the very subtle intricacies tell you a lot.

M. Maturity: Michael is surprisingly mature considering how stunted you assumed his emotional growth must have been after being in a mental hospital for 15 years. He's a bit of a hard-ass and won't find silly antics very amusing.

N. Names: He doesn't have any pet names for you, but you have a couple for him. You occasionally tease him by calling him Mikey, he's always annoyed by people using informal shortenings of his name. You also like to call him sweetie and, his favorite because he imagines little decorative Halloween ghosts, boo.

O. Opening up: After being with you for a while, Michael has started to open up to you physically. When not in a murderous spree, he would flinch at the slightest touch and hated being touched by anyone. He trusts you completely and you are likely the first person he's ever permitted physical contact with.

P. Playful: Not really playful, not in a conventional way anyway. His idea of playful is a little scarier than your own and quickly crosses into dangerous territory- as in he might actually harm you albeit not severely.

Q. Quirk: Oh boy he's full of them. To name a few: his idea of nude is nude EXCEPT for his mask, he stalks you even when you're both home alone, he doesn't wear socks but does wear shoes in the house, and he likes raw meat. Ew.

R. Rarity: What isn't a rarity with this man besides weirdness and silence? The most notable rarity in your relationship is speaking, Michael is almost entirely nonverbal. Almost. He has uttered a word or two to you on extremely rare occasions.

S. Sensitivity: He's the least sensitive slasher, you could say the most cruel things to him and he'd not even bat an eye. He takes nothing personally which is actually quite a relief... We all say things we don't mean sometimes so it's comforting to know he will never take your oopsies to heart.

T. Talents: Mans is hella strong, all the slashers are relatively powerful but Michael's strength is almost supernatural. He can lift you with one hand, he can flip your furniture like it's made of styrofoam, he could probably stop a speeding car with his body and walk it off.

U. Unfortunately... Nobody is perfect, everyone has flaws. Of course I think we can all agree the fact our guys are killers is a flaw so we won't count that for anyone. Unfortunately... Michael is viciously stern. If he communicates no to something, asking again will piss him off and he'll peace out of the conversation and just ignore you.

V. Values? He values your trust, your touch, your understanding and patience with his barriers. He knows he's a difficult man to interact with, so your willingness to keep at it is highly appreciated.

W. Wild card time!
What is his favorite pastime? Don't make fun of him, but he likes birdwatching. Don't worry, he doesn't kill the birds he stalks like the people he stalks.

X. X marks the spot: Their sweet spot, like a kitty's chin. Michael absolutely melts when you run your fingers through his hair. Scalp massages could practically make him moan.

Y. Your best part: Your hands. Michael really likes holding your hand and your hands are the only ones he actually likes to feel on his body. You have the just the right touch with him.

Z. Zero tolerance: Michael has absolutely no tolerance for controlling behavior. If you ever try to force him to do something, he will make it known that you will not control him.

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