Bubba's ABC

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A. Affection: Bubba is extremely affectionate, he loves showering you in his absolute adoration. He gives you lots of hugs, kisses, gifts, and favors.

B. Build: L a r g e. He is quite tall at 6'4 but also quite hefty. He's got some cushion at his thighs and belly and very strong big arms.

C. Cuddling: This dude loves cuddles, he is basically a human pillow which makes him amazing for cuddles. Cuddling will always cheer him up on a tough day.

D. Dancing: Bubba can get funky! Kind of. He's a little clumsy and doesn't have great rhythm but that doesn't stop him from giving 110%. Square dancing in particular is his favorite!

E. Energy: He's pretty energetic for such a big guy, but he operates like a sugar high. Once he crashes, he crashes hard. When he needs a rest, he will suddenly become quiet and droopy and want to do nothing but curl up with you for a nap.

F. Funny: His sense of humor is kind of odd but very active. You've never gone a day without hearing him laugh. He really loves hearing funny stories from you and his family, by the time you get to the funny part he'll already be bubbling up with preemptive laughter.

G. Generosity: Bubba is very generous, maybe even too much so. You love that he's so eager to bring you gifts but you're not really sure what to do with random animal bones he sometimes brings you. He will gift you everything from yummy treats to actual trash from the road (but you'll admit some of it is pretty cool trash).

H. Hair: Good luck getting a brush through those curls. You've tried plenty of times to comb out his hair but it's a curly, scraggly mess. You've suggested shaving it to solve the tangling problem but he likes having a mop of hair and would be heartbroken! Another interesting thing about his hair is he can't seem to really grow facial hair. He doesn't have any particular desire to considering it would interfere with his mask; but even after years of not even touching his face, he's still only got some stubble and rogue hairs.

I. Imagination: You don't have a clue what goes on in that guy's imagination. He's got a creative and rather crafty streak but, similar to Michael, his imagination is often pretty morbid. Don't ask to see his upholstery...

J. Jealousy: Bubba has never really felt jealousy, you're surrounded by nothing but fields and his whack ass family so there's never been any competition for your attention. You can imagine how'd he react if he were to get jealous, though, he'd probably try to win you over with ten times the gifts and affection.

K. Kissing: You know that skin mask stinks, it's one of the most fowl smelling things in existence. That being said, Bubba is always courteous and will remove the mask and wash his face before going in for a real kiss. He's not a great kisser but he sure is a passionate one. You've gotten more comfortable being face to face with his mask over time so you're okay with him giving you little pecks with the mask on.

L. Love language: This boy would uproot a house and gift it to you if he could, he communicates his absolute love for you by giving you things he thinks you would like. He takes note of things like your favorite color and will try his best to coordinate.

M. Maturity: You'd be surprised the range of maturity he has! He isn't all youthful giddiness, he can be very serious, mature and elegant.

N. Names: Any pet names fly with Bubba. Bub, Bubs, Bubby, he loves everything. Being incapable of speech he has no pet names for you- but he does mark things for you with a heart. You have your very own chair in the dining room with a heart carved onto it.

O. Opening up: Being with you, Bubba has opened up to being unmasked and being himself. He's previously struggled with having his own identity and would wear costumes to play different roles, but around you he can just be Bubba.

P. Playful: Bubba loves being playful and silly with you, his favorite thing to do is teasingly hold things over your head and make you stand on your tippy toes to reach it. Don't fret though, his playfulness is always gentle and harmless.

Q. Quirk: Bubby imitates animal noises, especially chickens and pigs. Perhaps he feels a sort of rapport with animals given his inability to speak, whatever the case it is both adorable and terrifying depending on which impression he's doing.

R. Rarity: Bubba rarely wants alone time, he can manage and respect your boundaries (to the best of his abilities...) if you want to be ablone but if it were completely up to him, you two would never be apart.

S. Sensitivity: He's a very sensitive man baby, he cries easily and is quick to take things personal but he isn't irrational. He works through his emotions pretty well.

T. Talents: An absolutely BOMB chef, he makes some really great food. It took some coming around to his cooking since you were hesitant to trust the meat wasn't human, so now you mourn all the delicious meals you refused.

U. Unfortunately... He still lets his family control him whenever he's with them. You hope one day he can completely break free from the years of brainwashing his family made him endure, but for now, you try to just be understanding and forgive him.

V. Values? Lol what doesn't he value about you. Let's go through the list: your kindness, intelligence, beauty, booty, voice, honesty, everything...

W. Wild card time!
What is his favorite thing to wear? Bubba loves his dinner suit, he used to wear it with a mask of a woman's face and scraggly black hair but now he exclusively wears it without a mask... it looks fantastic on your handsome man and you love seeing him in it.

X. X marks the spot: Bubba loves having his chest nuzzled, if you put your hands on and rest your head against him you hear his heart instantly start pounding for you.

Y. Your best part: All of you, literally every inch. If he had to pick a favorite he'd choose your face, it's so beautiful and you know Bubba with his thing for faces... Don't worry though, he'd never do anything to you or your face.

Z. Zero tolerance: Bubba will not tolerate you hurting his family. You don't like them one bit, but you know better than to do anything to them. Bubba is extremely family oriented and would likely lose his trust in you completely.

Slasher x Reader: Lots of FLUFF and LEMONUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum