Bo's ABC

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A. Affection: Bo is pretty affectionate towards you, but he does have his moments of being stand-offish. He shows his affection by going out of his way to do things you like and taking an interest in your hobbies for you.

B. Build: He is pretty average, only 6'1 (yes that is still tall but tiny compared to beasts like Michael) and not particularly buff nor skinny. He does have a very nice butt though...

C. Cuddling: Bo is a little shy about cuddling with you, but when he does engage in it he enjoys it quite a bit. He is a very calm cuddler, he just wraps his arms around you and closes his eyes enjoying your warmth.

D. Dancing: He isn't very fond of dancing but if you ask him to, he will dance with you- preferably slow dancing. Similar to cuddling, he likes to have you romantically in his arms.

E. Energy: He's honestly a little low energy, he gets cranky at the end of the day unless he's slept in that morning. By the time night comes, he just wants to settle in bed and doze off with you quietly.

F. Funny: He has a pretty good sense of humor, he is witty and VERY sarcastic so he frequently makes smart-ass jokes. He's also got a bit of a perverted sense of humor too, lots of dirty jokes to be made.

G. Generosity: Bo is a bit of a paradox. He's very selfish and self serving, but still manages to shower you in generous gifts and love. He buys you almost anything you want, and will even buy you plenty of things just when he feels like it.

H. Hair: Gosh he hates grooming. He can't be bothered with styling his hair so he prefers to keep it short to avoid having to do so. He also doesn't shave his body, but does shave his face. You don't really know why he chooses to do one but not the other but you don't mind, he looks pretty damn sexy with a clean face and his messy short hair.

I. Imagination: He's not very imaginative, he's more into fixing things rather than creating. He honestly doesn't have a creative bone in his body.

J. Jealousy: Oh boy he gets jealous VERY easily. He has two brothers that you don't even see often, but when you do see them, he acts like they're out to steal you from him. He is possessive and doesn't like any guy laying eyes on his baby girl.

K. Kissing: He loves making out with you, and he's a damn good kisser. Probably one of the best of all the slashers! He is an insanely passionate kisser and can read you like a book, he knows when you want a gentle romantic makeout and knows when you want a rough fiery one.

L. Love language: Bo's love language is spoiling you with things. He buys you lots of clothes and will help you fulfill any of your hobbies. Makeup, art, cooking- any of it, just tell him and he will get a hold of EVERYTHING you need.

M. Maturity: He, like Bubba, is flexible and bounces back and forth between being childish and being serious. When he is being mature, he is often a little cold and stern.

N. Names: His favorite pet name for you is baby girl, but he also loves sweetie, sugar, babe, anything cute really. You typically stick with just calling him Bo since it's so short and simple and has such a charming ring to it.

O. Opening up: Bo really opened up to you about his tragic childhood. He trusts nobody else but his twin brother with that information. He allows himself to be vulnerable and emotionally open to you and you've learned a LOT of depressing things about him that make a lot of sense.

P. Playful: Bo is very playful, he likes to give you very gentle shoves or smack your butt you call you names occasionally in a joking tone. Being such a snarky guy it can sometimes come off a little too rude but 9/10 times you are certain he's just messing with you and you don't mind.

Q. Quirk: He has a really goofy accent you make fun of. He grew up in a very redneck area and says some words in a silly way. For example, you always make fun of how he says oil, as if there is no I in the word. It's not nearly as strong as his brother Lester's accent which makes it even funnier when he's talking normally and a silly sounding word suddenly pops out totally unexpected.

R. Rarity: Bo rarely cooks, he kinda sucks at it. He's surprised you with dinner a few times and they've always been either totally burnt or bland. You still appreciate all the work put into it and it makes your heart warm knowing he still wants to surprise you with something he's bad at just to show his love.

S. Sensitivity: Not a very sensitive guy unless you hit a particularly sore spot, like his parents or the scars on his wrists. As long as you don't bring those up, he can handle anything you throw his way.

T. Talents: He's very smart, easily one of the smartest slashers. He knows practically everything there is to know about cars and other machinery, he's even built machines himself.

U. Unfortunately... Bo is a bit of an asshole, you know he loves you a lot and tries to hold back as much as he can for you but he still lets some mean things out every once in a while. He's especially bad at letting "bitch" slip out without thinking, you've gotten pretty used to it and are patient with him when he accidentally blurts shit out.

V. Values? That bod, girl. He loves feeling up your cute self, he loves every curve and delicate feature.

W. Wild card time!
What is his favorite song? He's a bit of a metal head but also quite likes grunge. Anything by Deftones really clicks with him, his favorite song probably being Digital Bath.

X. X marks the spot: Bo absolutely loses it when you kiss his neck, it's his favorite spot for you to touch. You could sweet talk your way into anything just by giving him a little sensual smooch on the neck.

Y. Your best part: Your ass, 100%. Bo is a butt guy, he loves your cute tush and will constantly give it a little pat.

Z. Zero tolerance: He has absolutely no tolerance for you saying bad things about his childhood. Not that you'd ever say something so vile, but if you did, chances are you wouldn't live to ever say something like that again.

Slasher x Reader: Lots of FLUFF and LEMONNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ