Reaction to Skinny Reader

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Let's be clear, when I say skinny I mean pretty much underweight rather than average weight type of skinny. Very thin, if you've ever been told "you need some meat on your bones" then this is for you.

Michael: Given his freakish super strength, Michael often finds himself having to frantically slow himself down when picking you up. Your life flashes before your eyes as he practically sends you flying with the sweep of a finger. But that aside, he has no qualms with your body. He was a skinny little string bean as a kid so he gets it. It isn't as easy as "just eat more" so you'll be happy to know you are completely safe from judgement when it comes to him.

Bubba: Bubba has seen every kind of body there is: from bulbous and chonky to nothing but skin and bones. He's even got family skinny as twigs, so he's quite used to your body type and still thinks it's every bit as beautiful. He just hopes you know his prodding you to eat is out of pride for his cooking skills and his own love for food, he would never do it to try to control your weight.

Bo: Bo is kind of an accidental dick at times, and he's kind of dumb... He might say some things mindlessly but he genuinely means it from a place of love. He's only worried about your health and nutrition and wants to make sure you're at least getting everything you need. Hes a bit like an overbearing mom...

Vincent: Vinny isn't too worried about your health and pretty much expects you to take care of yourself. You have an unspoken agreement that as long as you're alive and healthy, he won't bug you. That being said, if you're not eating enough or start skipping meals, you bet your ass he will be hovering over you making sure you eat. He's like Bo, but worse. He's like a grandma.

Lester: What? You're underweight...? Well then what the hell does that make Lester... He's a scrawny lil shrimp, he's right there in the same boat with you girl. He understands all your struggles and sympathizes with you on every single one of them, you always have someone who knows exactly what you're going through when he's around.

Brahms: Brahms is a pretty well educated man, he knows more about nutrition than you'd expect. If he senses you're a little too thin, he will subtly try to sway you in the right direction. It isn't about what you look like, he just wants you to be healthy and take care of yourself.

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