Reaction to Short Reader

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It's time to talk about how the boys handle Y/N's height. So what do I mean by short? Let's say anything 5'3 and under.

Michael: Hooooo boy he is a MASSIVELY tall man so having a tiny girlfriend is an interesting dynamic. On one hand, he can reach EVERYTHING for you but on the other hand, you literally have to shout for him to be able to hear you- it's like talking to a giraffe. Not to mention how he has to squat to be able to get smooches from you.

Bubba: Bubba is pretty tall as well, so he's constantly worried he will accidentally squish your tiny self. He is extremely careful around you and constantly checks his surroundings- especially before he sits.

Bo: Short gals are this man's weakness, he loves putting his hands around your waist and lifting you to his height so he can smooch you. Yeah, it boosts his ego way more than it needs to be boosted, but it secretly makes you feel like a little princess.

Vincent: Vincent is the same height as Bo but carries himself in such a way that he looks a lot taller than he is. He's taught you this tactic to help you have a say when talking to people who don't take you seriously: make yourself look big. Ain't nobody gonna walk all over his baby girl.

Lester: Being the shortest of the guys, he's so relieved to have found a girl who's just the right height for him to kiss on top of the head and hold like a little teddy bear. Yes, he takes FULL advantage of your height to do ALL of the stereotypical height difference shit.

Brahms: Another tall boy to rub it in how short you are! He's actually a little jealous of your height because of how much easier it is for you to maneuver the walls. He can move around fine behind the walls, but his size makes it a little cramp and he occasionally bangs his head on a random beam. That being said, he sometimes will subtly imply he wants you to go get something for him from his room just so he doesn't have to do it...

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