Brahms' ABC

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A. Affection: Brahms is very affectionate and always wants to snuggle and kiss you. He shows his affection physically and is a very touchy feely guy.

B. Build: Surprisingly big and sturdy, you sometimes forget he's 6'3 because of how small he makes himself when he curls himself up.

C. Cuddling: You love snuggling him and he absolutely adores snuggling you, when he's in the mood for cuddles you two are inseparable. He clings to you happily and will whine if you pull away.

D. Dancing: He's not familiar with many dances but is totally willing to slow dance with you, any excuse to just hold you lovingly.

E. Energy: So freaking low, he's a tired slow mopey boy although he does get random bursts of energy where he scuttles quickly around the walls and jumpscares you every moment he gets.

F. Funny: His sense of humor is dated to say the least, if it makes your grandparents on Facebook laugh then it will make him laugh. That in itself is pretty funny to see though, watching a grown man giggle so much about boomer minion memes is hard not to laugh at even just a little.

G. Generosity: He is equally generous and selfish. He loves to bring you things and leave you little gifts around the house but he also expects to be pampered and will throw a bit of a fit if he doesn't get his way.

H. Hair: He's hairy, he's got quite a neckbeard and a hairy body but he wouldn't be opposed to shaving for you. Sometimes he does it himself with no prompting just because he likes to keep himself looking youthful to match his doll face.

I. Imagination: His imagination is very sweet and a tad childish. He likes to color pictures of adorable scenes of you two holding hands or having picnics. As gloomy as his past and his surroundings are, he has a very cheery outlook.

J. Jealousy: He is an extremely jealous guy, to the point that he is possessive and any other men who enter the household are potentially in danger. He will do anything he can to protect his lady even if it isn't quite necessary.

K. Kissing: He likes to be kissed both with his mask and without it. Being kissed on his mask makes him feel safe and protected, while kissing without it makes him feel more empowered and passionate. Sometimes the roles get a little reversed which can be kind of awkward having a porcelain mask shoved into your face during a makeout.

L. Love language: Brahms shows his love by taking on any role necessary. Sometimes he is your little bean that needs to be protected and cared for while other times he will switch to murder mode in a matter of seconds to keep you safe.

M. Maturity: Not very mature to be honest, he was never really forced to grow up so he still has many of the luxuries of being a kid and 0 responsibilities. This of course comes at a cost: he can be a stubborn brat.

N. Names: He calls you Miss Y/N the most even though you've reassured him plenty of times he doesn't have to, but occasionally he will also say you are his girl. You on the other hand like to call him sweetie, honey, baby, anything cute and sweet.

O. Opening up: Brahms has opened up to you about his human side. Playing the life of a doll can really mess with your head and ever since his accident, he's struggled to feel like a real person. However with you, he feels safe to embrace being a person and feels the most real he ever has.

P. Playful: He's a pretty playful boy, often playing tricks on you and spooking you with little pranks. He loves to sneak up on you and pop out of unexpected places to see your reaction.

Q. Quirk: Even after you've entered his life, he still prefers to stick to his old ways: living in the walls, sleeping in a little self made den of blankets, and using his doll to communicate. Oh, he also loves to collect dolls and it can be pretty creepy.

R. Rarity: Brahms rarely raises his voice, not necessarily to you but just ever in general. You've ever really heard him shriek once and it completely took you by surprise. You didn't know he was even capable of making those kinds of noises. Typically he just makes soft whining noises or uses a few words from time to time.

S. Sensitivity: Brahms is pretty sensitive, he takes it EXTREMELY personally if you do anything to his doll and takes it as a personal attack. He is also a whiner, if you hurt his feelings he will whimper and make haunting little crying noises behind his mask.

T. Talents: He can play piano pretty well. He isn't very musically inclined but he has some lullabies so ingrained in his memory fron years of hearing them on repeat that he can play them easily.

U. Unfortunately... He has no intentions of ever leaving his home. He also has no intentions of you leaving it either, he is expecting both of you to stay there forever. Moving is out of the question and he even refuses to visit any other place.

V. Values? Brahms values your willingness to take care of him and your respect for his home and doll. He's extremely grateful to have you and trusts you more than anyone because of your proven ability to care for the doll.

W. Wild card time!
What is his favorite story? Brahms adores when you read to the doll before bed, his favorite story to hear is any of Grimms' Fairy Tales.

X. X marks the spot: Brahms has a weird connection with his doll, if you touch the doll's face or hold its hand then his heart will start racing. Watching you touch the doll's cheeks makes him blush and he will move in for a surprise attack hug.

Y. Your best part: Your chest 👀 seriously though, he loves to lay his head on your chest and just listen to your heartbeat. It's such a new sensation to him, because on nights where he'd lay his head on his doll, he heard nothing. The sound of another heartbeat and the warmth and movement of your chest amazes him.

Z. Zero tolerance: He has absolutely no chill when it comes to his doll. If you fuck with his doll, he will make it known in a heartbeat that he is pissed. Damaging the doll in any way on purpose will likely result in you being completely banned from the property. He's merciful and wouldn't outright hurt you, at first anyway. If you don't respect his boundaries when he kicks you out, then expect to be a target.

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