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Once some things started and progressed, it was no longer possible to return to the beginning.

Xiao Yi's demise only seemed to signal the prelude to ruin, ominously raising the curtains to show a macabre play of death. Zeng Ruguo and Zhong Chengjian had both died tragically in just two short days; however, the sickle of Death never ceased. On the day following the woman's resurrection, a fourth victim appeared.

Except, it wasn't one of them who had died. It was one of the triplets, Xiao Shi.

This time, Xu Xiaocheng was the first to discover Xiao Shi's corpse. As soon as she entered the bathroom, she screamed her head off and instantaneously bolted out, hysterically crying out, "Another person died! Another person died!!!"

"Who died?" asked Tang Yaoyao.

"I don't know. It seemed to be one of the two little girls." Xu Xiaocheng's eyes grew rounder with terror. Although she had caught sight of the corpse, her response was much calmer than before; at least her very first reaction wasn't to puke this time. "I didn't have the guts to stare at it any longer. I just glanced at it really quickly, then immediately ran out of there."

With that said, the group headed off towards the bathroom. The moment they walked inside, they stumbled upon the remnants of a corpse scattered on the ground.

Xiao Shi's state wasn't looking any prettier than Xiao Yi's, who had been hacked to death with a knife. All of her limbs and organs were haphazardly smeared across the floor, painting a hideous mess; one could practically imagine the brutality that took place, how much the body was beaten and crushed, based on the unrecognizable remains of a body splattering the bathroom.

Yet everyone remained relatively cool upon seeing the battered corpse this time. Lin Qiushi gave the gory scene a once-over and verified that Xiao Shi was as dead as can be—she couldn't possibly be any deader.

Ruan Nanzhu didn't utter a word the entire time; he stood in still silence.

Standing beside him, Lin Qiushi asked the other in a low whisper what he was thinking.

"Nothing important." Ruan Nanzhu unconcernedly replied. "I'm just curious as to how the mother will react this time once she sees this scene."

Everyone's faces turned ugly at the thought of the woman.

And yet, it was truly as the saying went—speak of the devil and in he walks! Ruan Nanzhu had barely mentioned the woman, before she unexpectedly appeared right at the doorway to the bathroom! This time, she didn't weep outrageously. With an astonishingly calm bearing and an expression that couldn't be any more blank, she grasped a mop in one hand and a disposable bag in the other. She then lowered her head and quietly began to sweep up her daughter's corpse, ever so slowly gathering the pieces of her child's body.

Not a single spoken word broke this pantomime; only the sticky, sloshing sounds of the wet mop being dragged across the thick blood could be heard. The woman skillfully bagged her daughter's body parts, then silently lugged the full bag away.

"I have a really bad feeling." Tang Yaoyao's complexion turned pale. "What about you?"

"Same here." Zhang Xinghuo swallowed hard as he agreed. "Can we all really live to the last day?"

There were only two days left until the birthday party, but that day seemed like forever from now; after all, time crawled torturously slowly when one was feeling wretched.

No one could answer Zhang Xinghuo's question. In such a world, no one's life was guaranteed, and the fact that they were still alive was already a blessing; at this point, they were purely relying on luck to survive.

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