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Next, they visited the homes of the two other missing children.

After a series of inquiries, they discovered that what all the victims shared was that they were all being followed shortly before their disappearance. Their parents, however, never took their words too seriously.

The mother of one of the missing children sobbed, "Oh, how I've regretted it! If only I had believed her, then she wouldn't have been abducted. The blame is all on me. It's all my fault... I was a terrible mother."

After gently consoling her, Ruan Nanzhu asked, "If I may, do you have any information on her disappearance? If you do, please tell us. Maybe it'll help us bring her back to you sooner."

Having heard this, the mother was silent for a moment before softly saying, "Information... I've heard before that at the outskirts of this town, there is a hidden monster... of course this is just a rumour and nobody has actually seen it."

Ruan Nanzhu's interest perked, "Monster? What kind of monster?"

"I don't know," the mother replied. "We don't know what it looks like, but rumour has it that the creature is very, very tall...."

This was all the information the mother had.

But through Ruan Nanzhu's questioning, they found out that this family's child likes to play near the fish cannery and despite attempts to persuade her otherwise, she still often snuck over to play. This child was most likely last seen in the cannery.

The cannery seemed to be a very important location.

Lin Qiushi and Ruan Nanzhu decided unanimously to check out the cannery after lunch.

As with the other meals, there was something afoot about the flavour of their lunch. Several dishes had contained fish and reeked of an unpleasant, fishy odor. In the middle of the table were a few opened cans of fish. They seemed like a delicacy compared to the rest.

Due to this, quite a few people picked at them with their chopsticks and marvelled that they tasted pretty delicious.

Due to the information they had gathered in the morning, Lin Qiushi really did not have any interest in the canned fish. He randomly ate some things and then took out his phone in order to sort out his thoughts. Ironically, his identity as a mute girl in this world helped as nobody came over to chat with him; everyone basically treated him as invisible as thin air.

Lin Qiushi enjoyed this quiet idleness.

As it was the second day after entering the door, there were still people attempting to form partnerships with Ruan Nanzhu. Their words were filled with contempt directed towards Lin Qiushi.

Some people had been more tactful, while others were blunt, saying that she can't speak so even if she runs into something, she wouldn't even be able to cry out. He was wasting his time with her so why not partner with someone else?

Listening to all of this, Lin Qiushi was close to standing up and unleashing He only managed to hold himself back with herculean effort. Recalling Ruan Nanzhu's love of performance, Lin Qiushi put on a pitiable expression.

As if Lin Qiushi's weak and delicate appearance had moved him, Ruan Nanzhu declined their requests.

Ruan Nanzhu seemed to have also found their insistent requests a nuisance and pulled Lin Qiushi out of the dining hall immediately after.

"Why do they all seem so eager to recruit you? Because you're good looking?" Lin Qiushi was a little curious and asked as they headed towards the cannery.

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