Chapter 99: The Activity Room

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One of the students had run off. Of the two left, one was so scared he was shaking all over, his face as white as paper. The other had collapsed limp to the ground, looking like he was going to pass out any moment.

With little option, Gu Longming could only cast his gaze onto the person who could at least stay upright. The person was so scared by Gu Longming's sudden glare that his legs gave out, and he almost fell like his compatriot. Luckily Gu Longming caught him by the arm in time and prevented him from crumpling to the ground.

"What are you so scared of," Gu Longming said with some exasperation. "I'm not gonna eat you. It's those things that will eat you, so what are you so scared of me for? C'mere little man and cool down for a second. Tell me your name?"

"I...I'm..." That student was hoisted in Gu Longming's grip like a chick; he couldn't cry even if he wanted to. "I'm Ai Wenrui..."

"Ai Wenrui, yeah?" Gu Longming said. "So what the heck did the three of you do? And what's it got to do with the people who died?"

At the mention of the people who died, Ai Wenrui couldn't help but shiver again. He was too scared to even meet Gu Longming's eyes, and kept silent for a long beat.

"Why aren't you talking?" Gu Longming said. "If you tell us now, you still have a chance at surviving. If you don't say anything, how are we supposed to help you?"

Ai Wenrui was so scared that he kept gasping for air. After Gu Longming spoke, it was another long while before he managed to squeeze one word from his throat: "Sculpture..."

"What?" Gu Longming perked up.

"The strange sculpture in the club activity room," Ai Wenrui said. "...It's all because of that thing..."

Gu Longming saw that he was willing to talk now, so released him to stand on his own. Ai Wenrui wrapped both arms around his own torso.

"Everything started half a year ago. I just joined the sculpting club..."

As he spoke, the student crouched on the ground slowly stood as well. That student's expression though, was strange, like after some tremendous shock he had gone numb.

Lin Qiushi noticed his condition, and called out to him: "Student?"

"Xiao He?" Ai Wenrui also noticed how odd his friend seemed. "Xiao He...What's going on?"

The student that Ai Wenrui called Xiao He made a song-like noise in his throat as his gaze lifted to the ceiling above his own head. With a bad feeling, Lin Qiushi followed Xiao He's line of sight, and saw a mass of something red crouched on the ceiling. The Lin Qiushi of the past may not have been able to recognize it, but having experienced so many doors, Lin Qiushi could actually recognize this thing with ease—it was a completely skinned human, its scalpful of long hair hanging in midair. The red on the outside looked upon first glance like a jacket, but a closer look discovered it was actually distinct strands of bloody muscle.


Upon seeing this, Ai Wenrui let out an awful scream, turning to sprint out of the classroom. Gu Longming sensed something was off, however, and caught him in a grip. He managed to catch Ai Wenrui but couldn't catch Xiao He. Xiao He stumbled to the classroom door, and the moment half of his body cleared the threshold, Lin Qiushi heard a loud bang!—the classroom door slammed shut.

Xiao He let out a wail. He'd been crushed right in half by the classroom door; half of him was outside, the other half inside. The most terrifying part was that he did not die immediately after his bisection. Blood poured out of his mouth along with his screams, his arms spasming wildly on the ground.

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