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According to Ruan Nanzhu, the woman could not attack them directly, even if they had already been drawn into the world of the painting.

Given that the frame had been set up beneath the mirror before their eyes, it was reasonable to assume that everyone who came to the bathroom was framed by the object at some point. But what Lin Qiushi couldn't understand was why the woman ultimately chose to capture him of all people.

"Look at him." Ruan Nanzhu offhandedly remarked. "It's because he's just too cute."

Tan Zaozao raised her brows at the other's statement, "Then why didn't I get dragged in, too?

Ruan Nanzhu: "You think you're cute?"

Tan Zaozao: "..." Ruan Nanzhu, I dare you to say something like that in the real world; you'll get killed before you know it.

In all, there were quite a lot of hidden frames dispersed throughout this old castle. In fact, Ruan Nanzhu even discovered a few more after returning to their bedroom. One was hidden on the right-hand side of the mirror. Another was hidden within the bedstand. Ruan Nanzhu even found a hidden frame buried among the shadows of the ceiling. Seeing this, it wasn't the least bit surprising that he was also dragged into the painting. All of Yang Meishu's clever, yet needless stunts were eclipsed by the mistress' own. It appeared that the creature of this door was incredibly intelligent, her own cunning schemes not inferior to anyone's in the slightest.

Once all of the frames in the room were retrieved, Ruan Nanzhu brutally smashed them to pieces without hesitation. After destroying the frames, he informed the others on the team of the matter, urging them to search and gather as many frames as they could.

That coming afternoon, Lin Qiushi didn't know if his eyes were merely playing tricks on him, but it seemed as though mistress was glaring daggers at Ruan Nanzhu when they went to have lunch; the look in her eyes was terribly bitter and resentful, as if she couldn't just wait to viciously tear his flesh apart and pick at his bones.

On the other hand, Ruan Nanzhu didn't seem to be aware of her scathing stare; or, perhaps, he simply couldn't care any less. As usual, he sat at the table, ever so calm and relaxed, and delightedly savoured the fine steak before him without any reservations.

Even if everyone searched for the frames within the castle, they still wouldn't have been able to find all of them by the time night fell. The next morning, another person was found missing, turned into a gorgeous portrait.

Ruan Nanzhu went over to take a look at the painting, then rummaged through the room a bit, before fishing out a flat picture frame from under the man's carpet. Lin Qiushi took the frame and heaved a sigh, "Even this?"

Setting the frame aside, he shook his head, "It's hopeless guarding against something as this."

"Indeed, it is rather futile. We'd better find the key to leave as soon as possible," replied Ruan Nanzhu. "I get the feeling she's becoming more unrestrained by the minute."

Lin Qiushi nodded in agreement.

As always, Ruan Nanzhu's intuition was on point. That night, the woman appeared outside of their window again.

In the eerie stillness of the drizzling night, the woman stood amidst of the desolate garden; silver sheets of rain cascaded from the dismal sky, pitilessly crashing down on her figure. She slightly lifted her head and flashed a malicious grin in the direction of the balcony, where Ruan Nanzhu was standing.

Ruan Nanzhu was smoking outside. He didn't say anything after meeting the woman's eyes. He just coolly puffed out wisps of smoke, his expression, bored and indifferent. After a long moment of silence, he uttered, "She's outside."

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