Chapter 137: Night, Night, Night

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Daytime. Lin Qiushi woke up filled with energy. He washed up and ate breakfast before picking Chestnut up and sitting down on his couch to watch TV. Though he was only sitting at home, his heart had already flown to the school where he and Ruan Nanzhu had been. He'd begun to sift through what Ruan Nanzhu had told him last night about the Obsidian senior and the door.

But before he could get much of a lead on anything, he got a call from Wu Qi, asking if Lin Qiushi was still going to come to work. If not then he would really turn in a resignation letter for Lin Qiushi.

Lin Qiushi's answer was straightforward: "I'm not going. Resign for me please."

Wu Qi was a bit shocked when he heard this, because Lin Qiushi had always been a responsible person. There were still things about Lin Qiushi's job that needed transitioning, and he'd thought that no matter what, Lin Qiushi would at least help with that before quitting. He never imagined that Lin Qiushi would leave so abruptly, and not even bother to turn in the resignation himself.

For Wu Qi's shock, Lin Qiushi had nothing but a noncommittal laugh. The truth was that this world still felt so illusory to him, and because of that feeling, it was difficult to develop any sense of responsibility.

At home he feasted and he hydrated, and then he went off to take a lovely afternoon nap. Around six in the evening was when Lin Qiushi headed to the school.

He got to the school and snuck in as before. Class had just ended, and he watched the students with their backpacks on happily leave the campus. It was Friday today, and most students didn't have school the next day. So compared to regular days, there was some extra bit of joy on their faces. The younger you were, the simpler things had to be to make you happy. One short little weekend could evoke such brilliant, sunflower-like smiles on their faces.

Lin Qiushi strolled along, and arrived near the tracks where he and Ruan Nanzhu had rendezvoused the night before.

He found a stone bench to sit on, before fishing a candy out from his pockets and popping it into his mouth. Before evening arrived for the past few days, he'd always feel a bit anxious. Today though, knowing he would get to see Ruan Nanzhu, his emotions were quite calm. He even felt a hint of anticipation.

The moment twelve o'clock came, the air around the school changed.

Ruan Nanzhu's figure appeared at the other end of the tracks. He walked towards Lin Qiushi, and even waved.

Lin Qiushi grinned and met him in the middle. Their hands clasped together once again.

Tonight would be particularly dangerous; Lin Qiushi and Ruan Nanzhu's doors were overlapped, which meant the ghouls and monsters would show up in twice the quantity.

But on some level, this wasn't actually too awful, because a door that Lin Qiushi had been quite worried about—the Human Oil Lamp and the Landlady—clashed with a ghost from one of Ruan Nanzhu's doors.

It was a total coincidence. At first, the Landlady had chased after Lin Qiushi and Ruan Nanzhu until they were stumbling and scrambling to hide. However, as they ran and ran, they realized the Landlady was no longer in pursuit. When they found some high ground and looked down, they spotted the Landlady fighting with a tangle of hair.

"What's going on there?" Perched up high on a school building, Lin Qiushi was completely flummoxed by what he was seeing.

That clump of hair seemed to be alive, tangling itself viciously around the Landlady's body, and the Landlady's long blade was of no use at all. She just kept roaring in anger and rolling about on the ground.

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