Chapter 75: Qianshan

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Though Ruan Nanzhu mocked him about it, Luo Qianshan really didn't dare to 'know this good thing.'

Bottom line was, anyone who could get to this door and still seem leisurely about it, no matter how harmless they may look, was surely no saint. Just like this beautiful woman who called herself Zhu Meng before him—she was not somebody to be trifled with.

"Go on, say what you actually came to discuss with us," Ruan Nanzhu spoke.

"It's about the key," Luo Qianshan said. "We found where it is, but..." His tone went a bit strained. "But we can't get our hands on it."

Ruan Nanzhu, "what do you mean by can't?"

Luo Qianshan, straight-forwardly, "we're not skilled enough."

At this, Ruan Nanzhu's expression was inscrutable. "Not skilled enough? I think you two siblings are actually pretty good at this."

Luo Qianshan didn't make any excuses, just flipped up his palms in a what can you do gesture.

"Continue." Ruan Nanzhu knew there was more Luo Qianshan wanted to say.

Luo Qianshan said, "so I wanted to come and make a deal. I'll tell you the clue to the key..."

Here, he paused.

Ruan Nanzhu waited for him to go on. There was no such thing as a free lunch in this world, after all.

"But when you leave here, you have to bring along me and Qianshui," was Luo Qianshan's condition.

"That's it?" A look of assessment appeared in Ruan Nanzhu's eyes, as if he was trying to determine how much Luo Qianshan was lying about.

"That's it," Luo Qianshan spoke staunchly.

Ruan Nanzhu nodded. "Tell us."

He took the deal.

"The key is in that burning room," Luo Qianshan said. "But the condition to getting the key is particular. You have to go in at night..."

At this, Lin Qiushi questioned, "you two have gone inside?"

Luo Qianshan shook his head. "No. We only saw the key from the door. We haven't gone in."

"Then how do you know the key's inside?" Though Luo Qianshan seemed very earnest, Lin Qiushi kept sensing something off about him. The role of the key inside the door was far too important; this man was so easily giving them its location, so were things truly as he said, or did he have some other motive?

"We saw it," Luo Qianshan said. "The door was open at the time..."

Ruan Nanzhu said, "if the door was open why couldn't you go in?"

Luo Qianshan's expression went a bit awkward.

"Because that mother and child were in there."


Ruan Nanzhu spoke: "So you came to tell us because you want us to go in?" He asked, "didn't you see the placard on our door?"

Luo Qianshan frowned.

Ruan Nanzhu, "didn't you see the number on it? Our room's the last one. Even if this whole floor burns, we're going to be the last to die."

Luo Qianshan sighed. "I'm not trying to send you on a suicide mission. If you're willing, we can work together."

Ruan Nanzhu, "how?"

Luo Qianshan, "we'll be responsible for luring the mother and daughter elsewhere, and you guys will be responsible for getting the key."

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