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Monsters weren't the worst things one had to face within these doors; they even had to watch out for teammates who wouldn't hesitate to betray them at any moment. At first glance, everyone inside the door world seemed like close partners, working together harmoniously and having each other's backs; however, the instant an unexpected incident happened to break out, that so-called close partnership was bound to change, to shatter without a second's notice.

Despite the tour guide's voice calling them from outside, no one dared to take another step. They couldn't help but recall the gruesome scene that had transpired before their eyes just minutes before.

Still resting comfortably on Lin Qiushi's back, Ruan Nanzhu softly tapped Lin Qiushi's shoulder and ordered, "Go."

Lin Qiushi: "Just go? You sure?"

"It should be fine now. Nothing will happen." Ruan Nanzhu reassured. "If anything, it'd be worse to stay here. We shouldn't stay in this temple overnight."

As a matter of fact, such a statement couldn't be any truer. Lin Qiushi paused for a moment, contemplating. Finally, he replied, "It's better if I go outside first. At least you guys will be safe, and I'll be the only one at risk. And in case something actually does happen to me, then you can just figure things out from there and act accordingly."

"We're going together." Ruan Nanzhu adamantly declared. "Just trust me."

Faced with Ruan Nanzhu's resolve, Lin Qiushi had no choice but to give in. He tightened his grip on the man and strode towards the entrance of the temple. Upon exiting the temple with the other on his back, Lin Qiushi spotted the guide standing in the exact location where she had parted from them earlier, beaming brightly and energetically waving a flag.

"Gather around! Gather around quickly, everyone!" The tour guide hollered out to them. "It's getting dark now. We must hurry back before the sun sets!"

Lin Qiushi scanned his surroundings, only to discover that rain of blades that had poured down from the sky and pierced the earth had all but disappeared. Only the mangled, skinless corpse sprawled near the entrance proved to him that everything he'd just witnessed was real.

Lin Qiushi gradually approached the tour guide. It was as Ruan Nanzhu said, nothing happened. Cheng Qianli hurriedly trailed after them, constantly glancing at the corpse. The exaggerated expression coloring the teenager's face was all too familiar—he had the same exact appearance when Lin Qiushi accompanied the boy to watch A Wicked Ghost1, a look that indicated that he was seconds away from screeching like a castrated chicken.

Except now, he didn't let out a single peep. Disregarding the fact that Cheng Qianli's entire face was burning red, and his veins were furiously bulging from his forehead and neck, the boy somehow managed to endure this grisly scene and swallow down his godawful shrieks and squawks.

Seeing that no tragedies befell the three individuals, the rest of the crowd began walking out of the temple.

The tour guide didn't seem to have noticed the deformed corpse. She smiled at the group and gleefully inquired about their day, asking if everyone was having the time of their life and if they were able to deeply relish and appreciate the temple's remarkable ambience.

Everyone just ignored her. Without a care for their indifference, she simply prattled on with great enthusiasm.

As they treaded along the path back to their residences, the skies above grew gloomier, and a solemn silence enveloped the depths of the secluded jungle. Raging gusts struck the flags extending from the treetops, forcing them to billow like the wings of odious monsters spreading wide.

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