Chapter 102: True Identities

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Zhu Ruyuan wasn't human. In other words, they had no way of finding her right now. But even if they couldn't find her, they could still find the living Zhou Hanshan.

Ai Wenrui knew the address of Zhou Hanshan's room, so the three ran straight for the dormitories.

On the way Lin Qiushi encountered the girl named Zuo Sisi again. She and her partner were sitting at the school flowerbeds with an item in their hands, seemingly in discussion.

Gu Longming saw what they were holding from afar, and exclaimed, "it's a wooden doll. Where did they find that—"

Lin Qiushi recalled the two people from outside the door that died the night before. Upon some thought, he approached Zuo Sisi and greeted them: "Zuo Sisi, what are you guys up to?"

When Zuo Sisi saw them coming, she smoothly tucked the doll away, smiling.

"Nothing. Just chatting."

Lin Qiushi had a good impression of this girl, and so didn't beat around the bush: "You also found a doll?"

"Mh..." Zuo Sisi replied vaguely. "Why?"

"Since you've found one, keep it safe," Lin Qiushi said. "I also found dolls on the two people who died this morning. Those dolls were missing heads. I suspect it has something to do with how they died."

Zuo Sisi's companion sitting beside her went pale.


Seeing his expression of panic, Gu Longming said, "oi, you haven't thrown it away already, have you?"

"I...I..." He pointed at the pond behind him, face colorless. "I thought the thing was kind of ominous, so I tossed it just now!"

"What do we do? Nothing's gonna happen to you, right?" Zuo Sisi was also frantic.

"I'll go look for it!" her companion said in a rush.


Before Lin Qiushi could stop him, Zuo Sisi's companion jumped straight into the pond behind himself.

It was just one of the school's landscape ponds; it was very shallow. The water only reached the knees of a 170cm-man standing. Under normal circumstances, drowning in it was completely impossible.

But the world of the doors obviously could not be assessed by "normal circumstances."

After that person entered the water and bent over to fish out the wooden doll, the water around him began to toss and roil, as if it were boiling. Seeing this, Lin Qiushi immediately called out, "get out of there—"

The man heard him. After one step toward where they were standing, however, countless pairs of white, rock-like arms emerged from the green waters. They caught hold of his body and began dragging him into the pond.

Lin Qiushi reacted the fastest, dashing to the edge of the pond. He grabbed the man's frantically waving hands and said, "help him—!"

Zuo Sisi, Gu Longming, and Ai Wenrui all rushed forward, wrapping their arms around Lin Qiushi and pulling both of them backwards.

Together, the four finally saved the man from being pulled into the pond. When he got hauled up the man was nearly in tears.

"Fuck oh fuck that was terrifying—they pulled my pants off—"

The jeans he wore on the outside had been yanked into the pond, leaving him with only problem-pattern boxer shorts.

"Tsk." Zuo Sisi shot him a persecuting look. "You wear these kinds of pants?"

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