Chapter Seventeen

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As promised!!! A new chapter in February! I have a lot of things I want to start this month, such as a proper update schedule for this book, and I want to start posting youtube videos.
I've been editing a video of my friends and me playing games/reacting to things. And I'm really excited to show you all and I hope that your support will go towards that too :>

Thank you for all your kind words and for being so understanding from my announcement. You all are lovely and have been so sweet <3
(Also I will be changing Shinsou's name to the proper way, I'll go back and fix previous chapters)

Song: Notion By: Rare Occasions 
(boyf and I love this song)

I nearly start crying with laughter when I see milk shoot out of Hanta's nose, which was then followed up by his own cries of agony from his now burning nostrils. All of us erupt into a roar of laughter, not only at Hanta but at Kaminari who was trying to show up a kid at the skate park and ended up eating absolute shit.

"You sure showed him Kaminari!" Ashido calls out smacking her leg to put the true meaning to a knee slapper.  Kaminari begrudgingly walks back over to us, bruising face and scraped elbows. While we're all laughing, so are the 10-year-olds behind him while he does his walk of shame.

"L/NNNN, kiss them better!" Kaminari whines to me sticking his elbows in my face.

"Uwah!" I let out at his unexpected request, before I can get a response out, Hanta and Kirishima grab an elbow each and give the sloppiest, wettest sounding kiss to them they could muster. I scrunch up my nose but let out another fit of giggles.
Ashido was wheezing so much I thought she would fall to the floor in need of air.
Kaminari whines more in protest at his two guy besties making out with his elbows. He yanks them away from their lips holding his elbows to shield them away from the guys.

During our walk home, Kirishima thought we should stop by the skate park since he's never been. He thought maybe we could have some fun- and by that I know he means maybe it would cheer me up. Well, it did, I would give my own elbows up just to see Kaminari wipe out in front of all these cocky elementary kids again.

I'm sitting on a bench with Ashido, Kirishima and Hanta, we're all belly laughing and going into wheezing fits to the point tears are forming in my eyes and my stomach hurts so bad but in the best way possible. All their laughter starts to fade and mix together as background noise to me. Like I can't focus on it no matter how much fun and how badly I want to stay in the moment with them. I just, can't. I want to keep laughing too, I want to be present and in my body but it feels like I was an outsider just watching. Like I was on autopilot. All because one thought dawns on me that I regret even letting cross my mind.

Have I been missing out on things because of Hitoshi?

The pain in my stomach turns into a sinking feeling. How could I even think such a thing? But was it really so wrong to assume he's been holding me back..? It's always just been the two of us, for years without letting anyone else in because- well they sucked! They all fucking sucked!
No, you can't blame Hitoshi, it was because everyone else around us wasn't good enough. They were shit, not Hitoshi. Not Hitoshi.

"Let's start heading home now, Hanta needs a new shirt," Ashido says, grinning teasingly and leaning towards Hanta and his now milk-stained uniform. He groans as his response, rubbing his nose to aid it. Ashido's voice brought me back into my body, I nod in agreement. I don't think I even want to be home right now, that feels worse than being out of my body. I can't even go to Hitoshi's as an escape plan if something starts up. Trying not to let my smile falter, I get up with everyone and start exiting the skate park.

I hang close to Kaminari's side to help him walk, he was limping slightly so I'm assuming his knee fucked up a bit in the fall. Slowly, we all start to part ways while we pass by different streets. Then it was just me and Kaminari. 

We were in silence, it wasn't awkward though. Well, maybe a little. But it was a bearable silence, there wasn't really anything I wanted to talk about... or talk period.
"Soooo...Did something happen with you and Shinsou?" Kaminari broke the silence, I dart my eyes over to him feeling my heart stop for a second and my mouth hanging open slightly. 
Kaminari has his hands are shoved in the pocket of his pants, shoulders up to his ears. His golden eyes flicker like a lit candle back and forth between me and the pavement of the road.
I kick a small pebble in my way, watching it skip further down the street, watching it on its journey. I try and collect my thoughts and all I wish to say and what I shouldn't say.

"We...had a fight, sort of...I think.." My voice gets quieter the longer I talk, I'm blinking rapidly to keep any forming tears in their ducts.
"..that's a bummer..." Kaminari frowns now keeping his eyes steadily on me, "I'm sure everything will be resolved, right? You guys are like uhh pickles and peanut butter!" 

I whip my head in his direction scrunching up my nose, my eyebrows pinch together.
"Pickles...and Peanut butter. Kaminari what-"

"Don't knock it till you try it! It's a good combo!"

"Kaminari that literally sounds vile. That is outrageous, I'm cancelling you right now"


"Kaminari is over party~"

"I'll get my apology video makeup ready." He sighs.

I break out into a grin, which makes the golden blonde boy grin back at me. He nudges my side, "Point is! You guys are super tight, yeah? People argue all the time. But it isn't forever."

"Yeah...I guess you're right- hey how did you know something was up between him and I?" I raise an eyebrow up at him.

He shrugs, "Well, A you never walk home without him, and B You've been frowning non-stop since school ended." 
I smile to myself a bit, feeling warmth bubble up inside me that someone cared about me and took notice of the things I do. 
"Thanks...for noticing," I say slowly coming to a stop as we both reach my house. Kaminari looks it up and down, taking in the home I've lived in since I was born.

"It's just what a Flirt Buddy is for." Kaminari grins looking at me and pulling at my cheek, "Now smile more! You might feel a bit better if you just smile."

"Uwaahh ok ok, I got it. I'll try to." I swat away his hands which he just lets out a laugh at, "See you tomorrow, L/N." Kaminari smiles and turns to walk the same way we came, waving goodbye.

Taking a deep breath through my nose and out my mouth I stare at my home, not much of a home anymore to be fair. I close my eyes and take one last deep breath before opening them again and making my way inside.

It was back to quiet. Complete and utter deafening silence.


"For today's hero basic training, it's turned into a class with three instructors, All Might and me, and one more person."

My full attention is on Aizawa Sensei as he speaks in his gruff monotone voice, which would be music to my ears if I wasn't so upset right now. Hitoshi ignored all my messages in the morning about walking to school together, he never ignores my messages! It makes my heart twist just thinking about how upset with me he must be. So, I walked to school alone and now here I am in class 1-A. Little stinky uneventful morning.

Hanta suddenly raises his hand up in the air which defeats its purpose when he ends up just saying out loud what his question is, "Excuse me! What'll we be doing???"

Aizawa Sensei takes his hands out of the pockets of his baggy black jumpsuit, holding up a white card labelled "RESCUE" in ombre blue letters.

"Disasters, shipwrecks, and everything in between. It's rescue training."

"Rescue..." I look over at Kaminari who mumbled that out whilst everyone else was letting out their oos and aahs at the thought of this field trip.

"Looks like it'll be a lot of work this time, too," Kaminari says, glancing between me and Ashido.
"Right?" Ashido's grin widens and her fists tighten from the excitement. I nod as well smiling at the two.

"Idiot, this is the duty of a hero!" Kirishima leans forward in his seat, we all look at him, "My arms are ready to rumble!" He has a big smile on his face looking down at his forearms which makes me snicker a little bit.

"Checking yourself out over there?" I hum, Kaminari laughs along with me like we were two little boys finding out about "that's what she said" jokes.

"Hey, I'm not done." Aizawa Sensei doesn't even raise his tone to get our attention, but we are all captivated immediately. He pauses for a second looking at us all from behind his little podium desk, "You can decide if you want to wear your costume or not this time."
"Because there are probably costumes that limit your abilities, too."
The excitement starts to bubble up in the classroom, and you can just feel it.
The wall moves, outcoming these storage compartments with numbers on each container.

"The training will take place off-campus, so we're taking a bus," He is already starting to walk off when he finishes what he needs to say,

"That is all. Start getting ready."

Everyone stands up and immediately it becomes a chaos of noise, everyone delightfully chatting about what they think it'll be like and how much fun this is going to be. Holding the hero suit that I collected from my personal storage compartment in my arms, I walk with Kaminari, Ashido and Kirishima out of the classroom, just smiling and listening as they all bubble about the class trip. 

As I'm walking in the halls I see him. Hitoshi at a water fountain, leant down to drink from it. when he stands back up, back straightened, he catches my stare. I try to smile and wave at him but he just starts walking towards me. I start to smile bigger, "Hitoshi, H-Hi-"

And then I'm left embarrassed as fuck. He walks right past me. Not a word coming from him or even an acknowledgement of mine. I feel my heart sink into my stomach, my fingers curl in towards my palm as I slowly let my arm hang loose to my sides. 

Kaminari places an arm around my shoulder, continuing to make us all walk. No one says a word after that, it was a silent agreement between all four of us.

They all knew I was in no mood for excitement.

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