Chapter Twenty-Two

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Slayyyyyyy thank you for 40K reads :) kinda short cause I made this 2 hours before work 

Hitoshi was much more clingy since our talk in the bathroom. The day's school was closed temporarily, we had a bunch of sleepovers at my place. Which meant, mom and dad were on their best behaviour. They at least still have the decency not to argue in front of others even if Hitoshi himself was practically family. The time we spent together made my chest feel warm inside from just remembering. It wasn't anything out of the norm that we did, we watched movies and talked about school and took stupid BuzzFeed quizzes online together. But it meant more to me than anything, especially hearing his laugh. Rare to others except me. It was rich and joyous, something I savoured and wished would last longer and longer every time he let it escape. This time was not any more significant than usual. It wasn't. And yet I felt closer to him in a strange way. I felt different. Things felt different.

Well- things ARE different, but not just with Hitoshi and me. With everyone. Entering my class, just like the halls everyone was buzzing about the news reports. Hitoshi feverishly switched the channel anytime the news was on. He wanted to keep a happy vibe and not worry me so much.
I gave a slight wave of acknowledgement to my friends, before slumping myself down in my seat. I didn't want to listen to everyone hype up their appearance on television or talk about the whole situation. I am happy to avoid anything of the sorts- though with the whole Nana thing...I probably won't get to be in ignorant bliss for long if at all. I settle with popping my earbuds in and sending an 8 Ball request to Hitoshi through text.

I stare at the screen, a grin spreading to my face when those three dots in a bubble appear.

go do your hero course work smelly

My grin drops, my eyebrow twitching in annoyance as I read over his message and no acceptance of my game. It's like he WANTS me to suffer.

girl boss the period hasn't even started yet

I quickly send it back, chewing at the bottom of my lip as I watch it turn from delivered, to read and back to those three dots.

eat my shorts

The accepted 8 Ball request was sent back to me after that. I shake my head, confused but happy that I got what I wanted. I listened to music, and played virtual 8-ball, just drowning out the hype from my classmates. 

My attention returns to the classroom when my favourite and the very bandaged pro hero walks into the classroom. His whole body was practically coiled up in the white gauze, it was a fairly disturbing sight to see. 


"Mr. Aizawa Sensei you're back too soon!" We all say in practical unison, that we were all thinking it and all voiced it. Beloved Eraserhead should be resting in a hospital bed with someone hand-feeding him soup, not standing before us now in such a state. Seeing him so injured made my heart sink to my stomach and my mouth dry.

"You're too much of a pro!" Denki says with a wobble in his voice. 

"So you're alright, Mr. Aizawa?" Iida asks raising his hand stiffly.

"Can you call that alright...?"

The injured hero drags his feet as he slouchily makes his way behind the podium at the front of the classroom. "My wellbeing doesn't matter." He mutters out, muffled by the compresses, "More importantly, the fight isn't over yet."

His words caused murmuring amongst everyone, shock filling them from those words, confusion, and fear. I take a deep breath through my nose, understanding what he means. From my knowledge of Nana, I can tell that this is something bigger than it had been.  My phone buzzes in my hand, pleading for my attention. It was likely Shinsou getting pissy at me for not playing my turn in 8Ball.

But, Mr. Aizawa says something I didn't even expect.

"The U.A. sports festival is drawing near."

I feel so fucking dumb. And relieved in a way. A cheer was released in the class by everyone, probably feeling the same relief as me that it was just a regular school event and not some big battle with villains. 

"That's a super normal school event!" Kirishima cheers but his excitement is cut off by Denki smooshing the palm of his hand into the side of Kirishima's face, "Wait a minute."

"Is it ok to have a sports festival so soon after the Villains snuck in here?" Tumblr- who I believe is called Jiro just from conversations I've overheard- says pointing out something pretty valid.

"Yeah, I don't know how safe a lot of people would feel after all that. A bunch of pros and students gathered in one big place? That's like a gold mine...and an accident waiting to happen..." I pipe in slumping down into my seat a bit.

"What if they attack us again or something?"

"Apparently, they think of it as U.A showing that our crisis management of the system is solid as a rock by holding the event." Mr. Aizawa rasps out, tilting his head down a little, "Security will also be strengthened to five times that of previous years. Above all, our sports festival is a huge chance. It's not an event to be cancelled because of a few villains."

I take this moment when he begins to explain the U.A spots festival to take a glance down at my phone that was going crazy with messages.

"Our sports festival is one of Japan's biggest events. In the past, the Olympics were called a festival of sports and the whole country was crazy about them."


Y/n istg 

You're the one that asked to play >:(

Omfg Y/n




"As you know with reductions in scale and population, they're now a shell of their former glory. And now, for Japan, what has taken place of those Olympics is the U.A sports festival."

I finally respond, sending my 8Ball back to him.

"Of course, joining a famous hero agency will get you more experience and popularity."

My bad, Eraserhead was talking,  I message him.

"Time is limited. If you expect to go pro, then the path to your future will open up at this event."

Something about those words struck something within me. Not that I'm excited like everyone else around me is, or motivated. Looking forward to the path of heroism and fame and helping those who cannot defend themselves in the most dangerous times- but I don't even know if this is what I want.

I want to help people, of course, I do, I want to protect those close to me and be someone reliable. Maybe I'm just second-guessing things. I just need to stop thinking, this is my future, I'm working towards it and it's the right thing to do.

"One chance a year- a total of three chances. No aspiring heroes can afford to miss this event. If you understand that, then don't slack off on your preparations"

"Yes sir!"

"Homeroom is dismissed."

Just don't think about it Y/n, you're doing great and hey, Hitoshi will definitely train with you. Maybe Denki will too. And Kirishima. 


"You're lucky, Shoji. Your brawn stands out on its own." Denki whines, leaning back on his palms. He sits on my desk, Shoji, BB(who I've learned she's named Yoayorozu) and Jiro standing around us as I pack away things into my bag.
 I nod in agreement, "With a build like yours, you're bound to catch lots of attention."

"There is no point if I cannot show them my usefulness," Shoji says, which makes me grin wide at him. Shoji, though I've had few interactions with him, seems like a sweet guy. His exterior may be a little intimidating but he's so polite and well-spoken.

"I think you'll stand out, too." Jiro covers her mouth to stifle a laugh that is released from her, giving side-eyes to Denki. I raise an eyebrow, not too sure what she's on about but knowing something must've happened between them. Denki just shudders in response.

"Oh, Denki," I slap his back, making him let out an oomph, "Uh yeah?"

"Do you think we could train together? With our quirks for the sports festival?" I smile sheepishly, "It's ok if you don't want to-and I would ask Hitoshi but I doubt he'd use his quirk on me and-"

"I would love to!" Denki's face is lit up with pure happiness, "We should all train together! Like you, me, Mina, Kirishima, Sero- that would be so fun!"

I grin, feeling excitement bubble up inside me, "Yeah ok!"

"You should come eat lunch with us Y/n so that we can discuss plans."

"Oh but..Hitoshi.."

"Come on, it's just ONE lunch without him. Besides, I thought he was mad with you?"

"We made up." I chew on my bottom lip, I guess he is right. I eat lunch with Hitoshi practically every day, one day can't hurt. "Sure, why not?"

"Atta girl!" Denki grins cheekily.

I send a quick text to Hitoshi,

Can't eat lunch today, eating with Denki and Kirishima and all them
You can join us if you'd like no one would mind :)

"Alright, let's go!" I smile, Denki returns it and hops off my desk, signalling for Mina, Kirishima and Sero.

"C'mon guys, Y/n's eating lunch with us!"

They all give me a look of confusion. Mina bounces to me, throwing her arms around me in a joy-filled hug, "Y/n!! I'm so happy!"

I laugh as she spins us around, Playfully I shoo her off and walk with them all towards the cafeteria. It was full of people and had a very long lunch line. It was a very open and clean room, with plants and linen floors, with many tables to sit at. We all grab one, no one bothering to wait in that hell hole of a line.

"Y/n here wants to train with all of us!" Denki states, making all eyes turn to me.

"Yes! That is a brilliant idea!" Mina cheers. Kirishima nods in agreement, "How about we start tomorrow? I'm pretty sure the gym here is open after school to anyone. Could be a great place to train."

"This is going to be so fun." Sero laughs, "Though don't cry when I beat all of your guys' asses."

"Ouuuu is that a threat?" I smirk, Sero gives his triangular smile back, "Maybe it is. Maybe it isn't."

"Who are you, and what have you done with Sero?" Mina snorts, "Where'd this burst of confidence come from hot shot?"

"This is the new me guys," Sero puts his feet up on the table trying to do one of those cool poses.  "You guys just got to get used to it- wAAH!"

Sero is cut off by his own scream when Mina gently pushes her hand against his chest, making Sero unbalanced and almost falling backwards completely. We all laugh at Sero, who laughs along at his embarrassing failure.

"Anyway," Kirishima chuckles, "We'll meet back up at the school at 4:30 tomorrow?" I nod, "Sounds good!"

"Yeah, I'm down for that," Denki nods, we all smile and nod in agreement.

Motivation starts to spark back up inside of me for becoming a pro hero. That's what I want after all, right? To save and protect others, that all I've ever wanted to do. And then finally, Hitoshi may accept my help without any hint of rejection.

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