Chapter Twenty-Seven

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why am I just so into writing recently wtf !!! ANYWAY, like I said I fucking hate fight scenes soooo sorry if they suck :PPP el oh el

also just saying this is over seven thousand words. OOPSIE!

Song: The Cave by Mumford and Sons

"Holy shit... this is crazy." I breathe out, watching the flames from the arena burst and flicker into the air, they dance and match the buzzing of the audience who were standing and jumping, fists pumping in the air. Their throats going raw from passion-filled cheers. 

"We're gonna be fighting in there," Denki mutters, which I could barely make out over the eruption of enthusiasm surrounding me.

Now in the arena, made of cement all thanks to a certain pro hero, there was a new stage, built for the battles. It was like some form of a boxing ring but there were no sides to it. And someone had a brilliant idea to have flames blasting from the corners. 

"The finals that you've all been waiting for are finally starting! Match number one !"

All of the monitors showing Present Mic's overly eager face flash to a picture of Midoriya and Hitoshi. I bit back a laugh, Hitoshi was scratching at the back of his neck, looking unimpressed. Deep bags under his eyes, muted expression, and bitter irises. Midoriya's photo, however, looked like he was about to shit his pants. 

"From the hero course, it's Izuku Midoriya!" 

My classmate strides out onto the field from one of the entrances down below.

"Versus-- Sorry, he hasn't done anything to stand out yet! From general studies, it's Hitoshi Shinsou!"

My attention is captivated by the purple-haired boy, his eyes were locked in on Midoriya. From here I could feel the growing hunger, hatred, and determination. I was so frustrated with him and how he's been acting, how he has been treating me-- and yet here I am already holding my breath and crossing my fingers. I'm pathetic. 

"The rules are simple. Force your opponent out of bounds, or immobilize them! You can also win by making your opponent say, "I give up!" Bring on the injuries! Because we've got our very own Recovery Girl waiting on standby!"

They meet on opposite ends of the cement platform, the fire dazzles them with it's light, creating shadows and luminescence to dance over their features.

"Put your morals and ethics aside for a moment! But of course, anything life-threatening is crap! It's not allowed! Heroes should only use their fists to catch villains!"

I wait in anticipation, I could see Hitoshi's mouth moving but there wasn't any way I could make out a damn thing he would be saying.

"I wish we could hear them." Pouted Denki, standing up beside me now to get a better view. We stood in the stands, watching below as if they were little ants we put in a bucket to see what would happen.

"REAADYYYYY?" Present Mic screams, "STARRRRTTTT!"

Hitoshi kept yammering on, I knew what his plan was. As soon as Midoriya began to move I knew he was putty in Hitoshi's hands, I could see the green-haired boy's lips move and then- nothing. My classmate stood there, unmoving, just standing. Hitoshi had won, all he needed to do now was command Midoriya out of bounds and the victory was all his. 

"Yes!" I whisper cheered, Denki gave me an amused smile, "Way to show your support for your class Y/n." He says raising his eyebrows. I slap at his arm, "Shut up, this is a big deal for Hitoshi."

Why should I care so much? Why am I so fucking happy, I should be resentful and scream boo. But I just couldn't bring myself to.  My heartbeat quickened when I see Midoriya start to turn around and make a slow walk back, toward the boundary line. 


Midoriya looked lifeless, zombie-like as he stalked closer and closer to the edge of the cement arena.

His foot hovered over the line, I felt every muscle in my body stiffen and then, a burst of wind appears, Hitoshi lifted his arm to protect his face, it was enough to make him stumble back a bit. My heart drops to the pit of my stomach when Midoriya gasps. He snapped out of the brainwashing. No. NO!

Hitoshi was not happy, to say the least. With clenched fists he began to yap on, I could see his lips moving trying to gain a response from Midoriya, but the freckled boy had figured it out. He would not give Hitoshi a response. He started moving back toward Hitoshi.

I could see the desperation on Hitoshi's face, he was grasping at straws, panicking. He didn't think someone could break through this, it was clear by the look on his face. I didn't think anyone could either honestly...

Midoriya shoves Hitoshi, starting to run and push my best friend toward the boundary line, Hitoshi reels his arm back, punching Midoriya in the face. It doesn't stop my classmate, he keeps pushing Hitoshi back.

"MOVE HITOSHI, HIT HIM AGAIN!" I feel myself yell, it just mixes in with the crowd around me. My hands grip my shirt, my eyes not leaving the scene unfolding before me.
I want to help him, I want to be there and protect him like I always have. I want to save him from this, from everyone's watchful gaze and Midoriya battling him. Hitoshi is losing.

Hitoshi punches at Midoriya's bruised beyond-belief fingers, making the boy release Hitoshi with that hand from the surprise of the pain. Hitoshi shoves Midoriya aside, letting him stumble forward by himself.

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