Chapter Twenty-Six

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I'm sorry this stupid bloody arc is so fucking long next chapter will probably wrap up this painfully long arc <333 honestly this may just be me procrastinating writing fighting scenes, fuck writing fight scenes 

Song: midnight love by girl in red

When I had my first kiss, it wasn't real. I can barely remember the boy's face. I can remember that he was scrawny and had curled black hair that brushed at his forehead, and his hands were always cold. It had been middle school, the second year of it, and there was a boy that wasn't totally mean to Hitoshi and me. He didn't outwardly bully Hitoshi, or provoke me. And to say the least, I had a silly crush on him, or I thought I did. We had sat, backs resting against the trunk of a big tree. The tree was a popular spot for cretinous middle school couples that never lasted long, there were many hearts and initials carved in the trunk. The grass surrounding the giant oak had been permanently flattened from people trampling and standing on it. We were just two more people to do just that.

The boy looked at my face for a long time, and my heart beat quickened as the world felt like it was exploding into an array of fireworks, tilting and making time slow down when my wish of a kiss from him finally happened. He leaned in, pressing his lips to my own and I closed my eyes, willing it to last as long as possible.

When I opened my eyes, he was not there, but instead used his quirk to transform into a pig, and the click of a photo being captured filled my ears. Jumping back and wiping my lips, I looked up at my classmates who gathered, taking photos and bursting out laughing. Tears prickled in my eyes, the boy transformed back into a human and looked away from me, unable to make eye contact with me. Out of anger, I got to my feet, and grabbed the nearest branch, the leaves crushing in my clenching fist, I exploded it and let the tree slowly set aflame from my sparks. I walked away, refusing to let any of them see me cry.

They didn't deserve me.

And now, I have my second kiss. His lips are soft and sweet with the juice he had been drinking.

Apple Juice.

My heart, had longed for this, had wanted to have a kiss from him, it confirmed things inside of me. And it would have been perfect, given the right circumstances. But the giddiness I would have been feeling is shoved down, pushed aside, and out the door. It's replaced with anger and sadness, they entangle together into their sorrow-filled waltz, each step of their dance causing the emotions to expand and envelope me.
I place my hands on his chest and push him back, less than gently. He stumbles back, shocked at what I've done.

"You don't get to kiss and make up with me," I said, furrowing my eyebrows. "Hitoshi you have avoided me for days, been an asshole to me before the sports festival, continued to give me the cold shoulder, and when I confront you about it you start getting pissed off at me and then you KISS me?!"

Hitoshi grows silent, his face complicated with emotions that I can't and won't bother deciphering.

"Kissing fixes shit in movies." I spat out, holding myself in my arms, "This isn't a damn movie Hitoshi, it's not some book."

"I'm sorry..." He mumbles.

"I don't want your apology," I stare at the ground, "You've made it damn clear you don't want me here, so don't go and make me even more confused by kissing me."

I couldn't help the squeeze in my heart, half of me wanted to kiss him again and half of me wanted to run away and go cry in a corner somewhere.

"I'm still human Hitoshi, you don't get to treat me like we haven't been best friends for years."

"...I'm sorry." His fists clench by his side, his eyes try to meet mine, they look wide awake now, and a little glossy which is surprising for Hitoshi. He is not an emotional person, at least he doesn't show he is.

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